Menu Path: Business Intelligence (legacy) Accounts Receivable Intelligence
Accounts Receivable Aging Intelligence
View accounts receivable aging information.
Accounts Receivable Aging Intelligence links directly to the business intelligence cube that displays accounts receivable aging information.
You can view and filter data by:
Collection Team (Collection Team Manager/Billing Customer Collection Team ID/Billing Customer Code)
Default Payment Terms
Customer Division (Billing Customer Collection Division ID/Sales Location Prefix)
Customer Group
Billing Customer Code
The intelligence cube also displays the following measures:
Total Open Balance
Total Chargebacks
Future Bucket
Current Bucket
Past Due Aging Bucket 1
Past Due Aging Bucket 2
Past Due Aging Bucket 3
Past Due Aging Bucket 4
Past Due Aging Bucket 5
Past Due Aging Bucket 6
Total Finance Charges
Total Prepayments
Total Unapplied Payments
Total NSF Invoices
Total Invoices
Total Credit Memos
Total Debit Memos
Total On-Account
Credit Current Bucket
Credit Limit
Credit Aging Bucket 1
Credit Aging Bucket 2
Credit Aging Bucket 3
Credit Aging Bucket 4
Credit Aging Bucket 5
Credit Aging Bucket 6
Number of Customers
Total All Debits
Total Unapplied
Percent Bal to Credit Limit
Past Due
Note To view business intelligence cubes, Cognos® PowerPlay® must be installed.
For set up information, see Business Intelligence (legacy) Overview.