Assigned User Selection

Menu Path: None

To use Assigned User Selection, click the Group Assign button in the ribbon in Warehouse Task Management.


Assign a user to warehouse tasks.


Use Assigned User Selection to assign a user to warehouse tasks selected in Warehouse Task Management. You can optionally update the priority of the tasks.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to assign the selected user to the warehouse tasks.


Click this button to close the Assigned User Selection window without assigning a user to warehouse tasks.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Assigned User

Enter a user ID for a person to which you want to assign warehouse tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a user ID.

Update Priority

Select this check box if you want to change the priority of the warehouse tasks.


Enter the priority of the warehouse tasks. The lowest numbers have the highest priority. This field is only enabled if you select the Update Priority check box.