Bank Reconciliation Date Utility

Menu Path: None

To use Bank Reconciliation Date Utility, click the Bank Reconciliation Date Utility button in the ribbon in Bank Reconciliation.


Change the bank reconciliation date for journal entries.


Use Bank Reconciliation Date Utility to change the bank reconciliation date for one or multiple journal entries. The bank reconciliation date can be set when a journal entry (for a cash account) is created. The date can be used for filtering journal entries on the G/L Adjustments tab in Bank Reconciliation.

You can specify to display a range of journal entries or all journal entries before changing the date. You can also filter by transaction dates and/or bank reconciliation dates.

Changing Bank Reconciliation Dates

To change the bank reconciliation date for journal entries:

  1. Select filter criteria for the journal entries on the Main tab.

  2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays the journal entries that meet the criteria you selected in step 1. If the correct journal entries are displayed, continue to the next step. Otherwise, return to step 1 and select different filter criteria.

  3. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  4. Enter the new bank reconciliation date in the New Bank Reconciliation Date field.

  5. Select the check box in the Select column for each journal entry line item for which you want to update the bank reconciliation date. You can click the Select All button in the ribbon to select the check box in the Select column for all displayed journal entry line items.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The bank reconciliation date has been updated for the journal entries.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Bank Reconciliation Date Utility window.


Click this button to update the bank reconciliation date for all displayed journal entries.

Show Data

Click this button to display journal entries on the Results tab based on the filter criteria selected on the Main tab.


Click this button to save the changed bank reconciliation date for displayed journal entries.


Click this button to cancel the change of the bank reconciliation date for displayed journal entries.

Select All

Click this button to select the check box in the Select column for all rows in the Journal Entries grid.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Select column for all rows in the Journal Entries grid.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All Journal Entries

Select this check box to display all journal entries. This check box is selected by default.

From (Journal Entry)

Enter a journal entry number that you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select a journal entry. If you want to display a range of journal entries, enter the first journal entry in the range. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Journal Entries check box.

To (Journal Entry)

Enter the last journal entry number in a range of journal entries that you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select a journal entry. If you want to display a single journal entry, you can leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Journal Entries check box.

All Transaction Dates

Select this check box to display journal entries for all transaction dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Transaction Date)

Enter a transaction date for which you want to display journal entries, or click the drop-down arrow to select a transaction date. If you want to display journal entries for a range of transaction dates, enter the first transaction date in the range. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Transaction Dates check box.

To (Transaction Date)

Enter the last transaction date in a range of transaction dates for which you want to display journal entries, or click the drop-down arrow to select a transaction date. If you want to display journal entries for a single transaction date, you can leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Transaction Dates check box.

All Bank Reconciliation Dates

Select this check box to display journal entries for all bank reconciliation dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Bank Reconciliation Date)

Enter a bank reconciliation date for which you want to display journal entries, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If you want to display journal entries for a range of bank reconciliation dates, enter the first date in the range. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Bank Reconciliation Dates check box.

To (Bank Reconciliation Date)

Enter the last date in a range of bank reconciliation dates for which you want to display journal entries, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If you want to display journal entries for a single bank reconciliation date, you can leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Bank Reconciliation Dates check box.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


New Bank Reconciliation Date

Enter a bank reconciliation date that you want to assign to all displayed journal entries, or click  the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Journal Entries

This grid displays journal entries after you click the Show Data button in the ribbon. After you click the Update button in the ribbon, you can select the check box in the Select column for journal entry line items for which you want to update the bank reconciliation date.

Note Journal entries that are marked as cleared for bank reconciliation do not appear in this grid.