Budget Import

Menu Path: General Ledger Images\bluerarw.gif Budgets Images\bluerarw.gif Budget Import



Use Budget Import to import a Microsoft Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet into a general ledger budget. You can import any budget that conforms to the expected format defined in sample budget templates.

Importing Budgets

To import a budget:

  1. If your company uses consolidation ledgers, verify the ledger ID for which you want to import a budget is entered in the Ledger ID field.

  2. Select a budget to update, which serves as the destination budget for the information you are importing.

  3. Enter the column in which you want the general ledger account to appear in the Column for G/L Accounts field, and select the worksheet to import.

  4. Designate column numbers for the rest of the information you are importing by entering a column number and selecting a period.

Note Columns are numbers, not letters. For example, column A in Excel is column 1, column B is column 2, etc.

  1. Click the Import button in the ribbon to start the import process. A dialog box informs you if the spreadsheet was imported successfully. You can display the budget and the newly updated data in Budget Data Maintenance and make adjustments if necessary.

Note You must have Excel or Lotus defined as your default spreadsheet file either in User Profile Maintenance or System ID Maintenance. Also, the general ledger account must be formatted with the selected separator (period, hyphen, etc.) in order to be imported. Importing a positive amount will be a debit for an account that is defined as a normal debit balance, and a credit for an account that is defined as a normal credit balance. The first row of the spreadsheet is assumed to contain header information (e.g., G/L#, Jan, Feb, etc.). Begin detail import information on row 2 of the spreadsheet.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Budget Import window.


Click this button to cancel the current operation and clear all fields.


Click this button to start the import process.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Budget to Update

Enter the budget to be updated with records imported from Excel or Lotus, or click the Lookup button to select a budget. You can set up budgets in Budget Maintenance.

Ledger ID

Enter a ledger ID for which to import budget data, or click the Lookup button to select a ledger ID.

Note This field is only available if at least one consolidation ledger is set up.

Column for G/L Accounts

Enter the column (in the spreadsheet you are importing from) that contains the general ledger account.

Worksheet to Import

Enter the path and file name containing the data to be imported, or click the Lookup button to navigate to the file.


Enter the column (in the spreadsheet you are importing from) that contains the budget amount for a period.


This field displays the period selected for a column in the source file. Click the Lookup button to select the period.