Charge Entry for Shipment

Menu Path: None

To use Charge Entry for Shipment, enter a shipment in Shipment Management, and then click the Additional Charges button in the ribbon.


Enter, view, edit, or delete shipment charges and credits.


Use Charge Entry for Shipment to create and manage additional charges for shipments, such as additional freight charges. To create an additional credit, enter a negative charge. For more information on additional charges and credits, see Additional Charge / Credit.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Charge Entry for Shipment window.

Harmonization Charges

Click this button to display Harmonization Charges on Shipment, which allows you to view harmonization charges and create estimated shipment charges. This button is only available when creating or updating shipments.

Create Estimated

Click this button to display Estimated Voucher Creation, which allows you to create an estimated voucher for a selected shipment charge and all other charges for the same supplier and charge supplier type (PO or Other). This button is only available when creating or updating shipments.

Create Inbound

Click this button to display Voucher Entry, which allows you to create an inbound voucher for a selected shipment charge and all other charges for the same supplier and charge supplier type (PO or Other). This button is only available when creating or updating shipments.


Click this button to display Linked Inbound/Estimated Voucher Inquiry, which allows you to view inbound and estimated vouchers that are associated with the selected shipment charge. It also enables you to cancel pending estimated and inbound vouchers, which you just created, and for which the shipment has not yet been saved. This button is only available when creating or updating shipments.

Associated Harmonization Charges

Click this button to display Associated Harmonization Charges Inquiry, which allows you to view harmonization charges associated with an estimated shipment charge. This button is only available when creating or updating shipments.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter the type of additional charge or credit, or click the Lookup button to select a charge/credit type.


Click the Lookup button to select the currency for the additional charge or credit. For additional charges set up with Other for the Supplier Type option, this defaults to the default currency for the supplier of the charge. Otherwise, it defaults to the default general ledger currency.


This field displays the method used to calculate the additional charge or credit.

Effect on Order

Select whether the additional charge is positive or negative (if you select negative, you are creating an additional credit).


Enter the amount of the additional charge or credit in the currency selected in the Currency field.

VAT Taxable

Select this check box if VAT is assessed for the additional charge.

VAT Class Code

If the additional charge is VAT taxable, enter a VAT class code associated with the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT class code. For information on setting up VAT class codes, see VAT Class Maintenance.

VAT Amount

This field displays the VAT amount for the additional charge. This amount is calculated based on the current rate for the VAT class entered in the VAT Class Code field.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

If the additional charge is not VAT taxable and the products are being shipped to a VAT-taxable country, enter a VAT exempt reason code to explain why the additional charge is exempt from VAT, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT exempt reason code. For information on setting up VAT exempt reason codes, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance.

VAT-Inclusive Amount

This field displays the sum of the additional charge amount and the VAT amount.

VAT Supplier

If the additional charge is VAT taxable, enter the supplier code or name of the supplier collecting VAT for the additional charge, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select the supplier code or name.

Supplier Code

Enter the supplier code for the additional charge or credit, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code. This field is only enabled if the additional charge is for a supplier other than the supplier for the purchase order.


Enter the supplier name for the additional charge or credit, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. This field is only enabled if the additional charge is for a supplier other than the supplier for the purchase order.


Enter a comment for the additional charge or credit.


Click this button to enter the selected additional charge or credit in the Charges grid.


Click this button to delete the selected additional charge or credit.


This grid displays all existing additional charges and credits. Double-click a charge or credit in this grid to edit it.