Copy Screen Customization

Menu Path: None

To use Copy Screen Customization, click the Copy button in the ribbon in Screen Customizer.


Copy system or user/group screen customizations.


Use Copy Screen Customization to copy customizations set up for the system, a user group, or a specific user to the system, a user group, or a specific user.

EXAMPLE If several fields are disabled for user A, you can make the same fields disabled for user B by copying the screen customizations for user A to user B.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to copy screen customizations, and close the Copy Screen Customization window.


Click this button to close the Copy Screen Customization window without copying screen customizations.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Screen Label

This field displays the label for the screen for which you are copying customizations.

Screen Name

This field displays the name of the screen for which you are copying customizations.

Example The screen name for Inventory Matrix Inquiry is icmatinv-win.

Customize For

This indicates whether you are copying system customizations, or customizations for a specific user or user group.

Group ID/User ID

This field displays the user group or user from which you are copying screen customizations. This field is only available if the User or Group radio button is selected.

Copy Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Screen Objects

This grid displays all screen objects that have been edited for the selected screen name. Select the check box in the Select grid column for customizations you want to copy.

Select All

Click this button to select the check box in the Select grid column for all screen objects in the Screen Objects grid.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Select grid column for all screen objects in the Screen Objects grid.


Select the scope for the copied customizations. You can copy customizations for the entire system, a user group, or a single user.


This grid displays all users or user groups, and allows you to select the users or user groups for which you are copying screen customizations. Select the check box in the Select grid column for the users or user groups to which you want to copy screen customizations.

Duplicate Values

Select one of the following options:

  • Overwrite Duplicate Values - Overwrite existing edited screen objects.

  • Skip Duplicate Records - Do not copy over existing edited screen objects.

  • Do not commit with duplicates - Do not commit with duplicate values.

Select All

Click this button to select the check box in the Select grid column for all users or user groups in the Groups/Users grid.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Select grid column for all users or user groups in the Groups/Users grid.