Customer Portal User Maintenance

Menu Path: Portals Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Portal Images\bluerarw.gif Site Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Portal User Maintenance


Set up and maintain customer portal users.


Use Customer Portal User Maintenance to view, create, edit, and delete customer portal users.

Creating Customer Portal Users

To create a customer portal user:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a customer portal site ID or name that the customer will access in the Site ID or Site Name field.

  3. Enter a portal user name for the user in the User Name field. If the portal user was not previously created in Portal User Maintenance or imported in Portal User Import, you will have to enter a password and email address for the user after you set up options for the customer portal user.

  4. Select whether the user is a business or a consumer.

  5. Enter the customer code or name for the user in the Customer field.

  6. Select additional options for the customer portal user.

  7. If you want to associate additional customers with the user, click the Customer tab, then for each customer, enter a customer or billing customer code/name, and click the Add button.

  8. Click the OK button in the ribbon. If the portal user name you entered in step 2 did not previously exist, the Portal User Creation Completion window appears. Enter a password and email for the portal user, and then click the OK button in the ribbon. The customer portal user is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Customer Portal User Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new customer portal user.


Click this button to update the selected customer portal user.


Click this button to delete the selected customer portal user.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon. If you are creating a new user, after you click this button, Portal User Creation Completion appears and allows you to enter the password and email address for the user.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first customer portal user.


Click this button to display the previous customer portal user.


Click this button to display the next customer portal user.


Click this button to display the last customer portal user.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Site ID

Enter a customer portal site ID for the customer portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a site ID.

Site Name

Enter a customer portal site name for the customer portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a site name.

User Name

Enter a portal user name for the customer portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a customer portal user name. You can enter a user name for which a portal user was not previously created. If you do this, you will be required to enter a password and email address for the user, and a new portal user will be created.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Customer Presentation Mode

Select the presentation mode the customer portal user sees on the customer portal site. Select one of the following:

  • Business

  • Consumer


Enter the customer code or name for the user, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select a customer code or name.

Sales Representative ID

Enter a sales representative ID for the user, or click the Lookup button to select a sales representative ID.

The Portals module has functionality to allow sales representatives to have access to all of the customers for which they are the primary sales representative for the customer. By entering a sales representative in this field, the user will have access to its customers on the customer portal site.

Contact Name

Enter a contact name for the user, or click the Lookup button to select a contact.

Contact Type

This field displays the contact type of the selected contact in the Contact Name field.

Inventory Availability Display

Select one of the following options to control the product quantity availability information that the user will see on the site:

  • Customer Portal Site Default - Product quantity availability information defaults based on the Inventory Availability Display setting for the site in Customer Portal Site Maintenance.

  • Yes/No - Product quantity availability fields display Yes or No to suggest products are available or unavailable; there is no indication of the number of units available.

  • Qty - The user will see the actual number of units available for products.

  • Do Not Display - There is no indication of whether products are available.

Note This setting overrides the default selection in Customer Portal Site Maintenance.

Customer Authority

Click the Lookup button to select the authority level for the user. There can be many customer portal users defined for the same customer. Each customer portal user can have an individual authority level. Select one of the following options:

  • Approve - The user can place products in a customer portal shopping cart, and can proceed to checkout to place their order as well as other shopping carts waiting for approval.

  • None - The user cannot place products in a customer portal shopping cart.

  • ShopOnly - The user can place products in a customer portal shopping cart, but cannot proceed to checkout to place their order (they can save their shopping cart for another user’s approval).

Default Shipper

Enter the default shipper ID for the user, or click the Lookup button to select the default shipper ID. This field is only enabled if the Hide Shipping Method check box is selected for the user.

Disable Login

Select this check box to prevent the customer portal user from logging in to the customer portal site.

Can Buy Through Portal

Select this check box to allow the user to place orders from the customer portal site. If you clear this check box, the user does not have ordering privileges; however, if the View Account Balances, View Order Status, or View Invoices check box is selected on the SideTable tab in Customer Portal Site Maintenance, the user can inquire upon orders, invoices and account balances.

Website Administrator

Select this check box if the user is a Website administrator. This user should generally have all available privileges.

Hide Shipping Method

Select this check box to prevent the user from being able to select a shipping method on the customer portal site. This check box is cleared by default. If you select this check box, you can enter a default shipper for the user in the Default Shipper field. If that field is left blank, the shipper defaults based on the following hierarchy:

  1. Default Shipper field on the Sales tab in Customer Maintenance for the customer associated with the user

  2. Shipper ID field on the Ship-To tab in Customer Maintenance for the customer associated with the user

  3. Shipper field on the Options in Order Class Maintenance

  4. Preferred Shipper field on the Effect on Inventory tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance

  5. First shipper for the customer portal site (in alphabetical order)

Customer Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Customer Code (Billing)

Enter a billing customer code of a customer to associate with the selected user, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer code.

Add (Billing Customer)

Click this button to add the selected billing customer to the Selected Customers grid.

Name (Billing Customer)

Enter a billing customer name of a customer to associate with the selected user, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer name.

Remove (Billing Customer)

Click this button to remove the selected billing customer from the Selected Customers grid.

Customer Code

Enter a customer code of a customer to associate with the selected user, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code.

Add (Customer)

Click this button to add the selected customer to the Selected Customers grid.

Name (Customer)

Enter a customer name of a customer to associate with the selected user, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name.

Remove (Customer)

Click this button to remove the selected customer from the Selected Customers grid.

Remove All

Click this button to remove all customers from the Selected Customers grid.

Selected Customers

This grid displays customers that can be accessed by the selected customer portal user.