Customer Maintenance Database Information

Data for Customer Maintenance is stored in multiple tables.



Field Name/Table

Customer Code

cust-code in custname

Customer Name

cust-name in custname

Search Name

alt-search in custname

Main Tab Fields


Field Name/Table


active in custname

Pays for Other Customers

payer-multi-customer in customer-ar


cust-type in custname

Setup Date

date-setup in custname

Customer MFG#

cust-mfg-num in custname

Shared Ship-To Invoice Format

shared-ship-to-inv-format in custname

Address 1

address-1 in custname

Address 2

address-2 in custname

Address 3

address-3 in custname


city in custname


state in custname

Postal Code

postal-code in custname


country in custname


county in custname


attention in custname


web-site in custname

Phone #

phone in custname

Fax #

fax in custname

Email Address

email-address in custname


language in custname

Bill-To Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Bill-To ID

seq-num in ar-remit-from


remit-from-name in ar-remit-from

Primary Bill-To

primary-address in ar-remit-from


active in ar-remit-from

Address 1

address-1 in ar-remit-from

Address 2

address-2 in ar-remit-from

Address 3

address-3 in ar-remit-from


city in ar-remit-from


state in ar-remit-from

Postal Code

postal-code in ar-remit-from


country in ar-remit-from


county in ar-remit-from

Fax #

fax in ar-remit-from


email-address in ar-remit-from


attention in ar-remit-from

Use Billing Customer Code Address Information

use-billing-customer-address in customer-ar

Ship-To Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Ship-To ID

seq-num in cust-shipto


shipto-name in cust-shipto

Primary Ship-to

primary-address in cust-shipto


active in cust-shipto

Address 1

address-1 in cust-shipto

Address 2

address-2 in cust-shipto

Address 3

address-3 in cust-shipto


city in cust-shipto


state in cust-shipto

Postal Code

postal-code in cust-shipto


country in cust-shipto


county in cust-shipto


phone in cust-shipto


fax in cust-shipto

Emerg. Phone

emergency-phone in cust-shipto


email-address in cust-shipto

Related Bill-To

related-bill-to in cust-shipto


attention in cust-shipto

Shipping Location

ship-loc-key in cust-shipto

Sales Location

sales-loc-key in cust-shipto

Sales Rep 1

sales-agent-id in cust-shipto

Sales Rep 2

sales-agent-id-2 in cust-shipto


geo-latitude in cust-shipto


geo-longitude in cust-shipto

Ship to Invoice Format

ship-to-invoice-format in cust-shipto

Main Customer Invoice Format

customer-invoice-format in cust-shipto

Billing Customer Invoice Format

bill-to-invoice-format in cust-shipto

Shipper ID

preferred-shipper in cust-shipto

Shipping Mode

preferred-ship-mode in cust-shipto

Freight Collection

freight-collection-terms in cust-shipto

Shipping Account ID

ups-account-num in cust-shipto


fob-key in cust-shipto

Tax Jurisdiction

jurisdiction-key in cust-shipto

Tax Exempt

tax-exempt in cust-shipto

State/Province Tax Exempt #

state-tax-exempt in cust-shipto

Entity Use Code

entity-use-code in cust-shipto

Country Tax Exempt #

fed-tax-exempt in cust-shipto

Excise ID

excise-id in cust-shipto

Customer VAT ID

vat-id in cust-shipto

VAT Group Code

vat-group-key in cust-shipto

VAT Exempt

vat-exempt in cust-shipto

VAT Exempt Reason Code

vat-reason-key in cust-shipto

Do Not Send EDI ASN

skip-856 in cust-shipto

Do Not Send EDI Invoice

skip-810 in cust-shipto

Do Not Send EDI Order Acknowledgment

skip-855 in cust-shipto

Do Not Send EDI Order Status

skip-870 in cust-shipto


no-delivery-days in cust-shipto

Sales Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Sales Representative 1

default-sales-agent in custname

Sales Representative 2

second-sales-agent in custname

Shipping Location

shipping-location-key in custname

Sales Location

sales-location-key in custname

Customer Division

cust-division in custname

Sales Group

group-id in custname

Sales Territory

territory in custname

Default Shipper

preferred-shipper in custname

Freight Cap %

freight-cap-pct in custname

Pricing Customer Code

price-cust-key in custname

Price Book Group

price-book-group-key in custname

History Customer Code

history-company in custname

Commission Book

comm-book-name in custname

Use Best Price

use-best-pricing in custname

Sales Representative By Line Item

commission-by-line in custname

Exempt from Excise Tax

bvgtax-exempt in custname

Required Date Days

required-date-days-sign and required-date-days in custname

Default Required Date

default-required-date in custname

Days From Order Date

required-days in custname

Marketing Representative 1

marketing-person1-key in customer-crm

Marketing Representative 2

marketing-person2-key in customer-crm

Order Acknowledgment Form Name

oa-form-name in custname

Invoice Form Name

invoice-form-name in custname

Pack List Form Name

pack-list-form-name in custname

Output VAT

output-vat-mask in custname

Output VAT Variance

output-vat-variance-mask in custname

Customer VAT ID

vat-id in custname

VAT Group Code

vat-group-key in custname

Order Import Price Includes VAT

import-price-incl-vat in custname

A/R Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Billing Customer Code

billing-customer-key in customer-ar

Credit Customer Code

credit-customer-key in customer-ar

Paying Customer Code

payer-customer-key in customer-ar

Related Supplier Code

supplier-key in customer-ar

Remit-to Address ID

remit-to-key in customer-ar

Payment Method

default-payment-method in customer-ar


ar-gl-acct-ptr in custname

A/R Write off Mask

ar-write-off-acct-mask in custname

Invoice Consolidation

consolidate-invoices in custname

A/R Absorption

ar-absorb-gl-acct-ptr in customer-ar

Default Cash Account

dft-cash-acct-ptr in customer-ar

Invoice Method

invoice-method in custname

A/R Clearing

ar-clearing-gl-acct-ptr in customer-ar

Default Currency

default-currency in custname

Invoice Print Frequency

invoice-print-freq in custname

Cash Discount Mask

disc-acct-mask in custname

Payment/Chargeback Team

chrgbck-team-key in custname

Payment/Chargeback Group

chrgbck-group-key in custname

Payment/Chargeback Division

chrgbck-div-key in custname

Payment/Chargeback Default Grouping

chrgbck-dflt in custname

Collection Team

collect-team-key in custname

Collection Group

collect-group-key in custname

Collection Division

collect-div-key in custname

Collection Default Grouping

collect-dflt in custname

Credit Team

credit-team-key in custname

Credit Group

credit-group-key in custname

Credit Division

credit-div-key in custname

Credit Default Grouping

credit-dflt in custname

Collection Statement

collect-statement-key in custname

Collection Letter

collect-letter-key in custname

Finance Charge

finance-charge-key in custname

Sales Representative 1 Rate

comm-rate-1 in custname

Sales Representative 2 Rate

comm-rate-2 in custname

Options Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Default Order Class

order-class in custname

Default F.O.B.

fob-key in custname

Order Priority

order-priority in custname

Customer Pick Group

pick-group-key in custname

Rewards Customer

reward-cust-key in custname

Allow Companion Products

allow-companion-products in custname

Companion Book ID

comp-book-key in custname

Shipping Label Format

ucc128-pgm-name in custname

Pallet Label Format

pallet-label-format in custname

Ship Orders Complete

ship-complete in custname

Ship Backorders Complete

ship-bo-complete in custname

Require PO Number

req-po-num in custname

Orders Default as Freight Free

freight-free in custname

Internal Customer

internal-customer in custname

Require Order Acknowledgment

req-ord-acknow in custname

Generate Co-Op Amounts

co-op-flag in custname

Cancel Backorder

cancel-backorder in custname

Create Consolidated Pick Demands

consolidated-pick-ticket in custname

Allow Saved Credit Cards in OE

save-cc-data in custname

Open Order Warning

open-order-warning in custname

Ignore Future Allocations

ignore-future-allocation in custname

Import Duplicate PO Number

imp-dup-po-num in custname

Print Pack List

print-pack-list in custname

Create Default Packages at Pick Demand Create

pick-create-ucc128 in custname

Use Pallet Shipping Labels

pallet-ucc128 in custname

Consignment Location

consignment-loc-key in custname

Shipping Method

shipping-method in custname

Royalty Book Name

royal-book-name in custname

PO Box Check

po-box-check in custname

Freight Collection

freight-collection-terms in custname

Sample Sales Representative ID

smp-sales-agent-id in custname

Beverage Type

beverage-type in custname

Groups Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Forecast Group

forecast-group-key  in custname

Point of Sale Region ID

region-key in custname

Profit Group Code

profit-group-code in custname

Customer Service Team

cust-service-team-key in custname

Cash Flow Group Code

cf-cust-group-key in custname

Customer Allowance Group

accrual-group-key in custname

Sales Restriction Group Code

sls-rsrv-group-code in custname

Shipping Options Group

ship-opt-grp-id in custname

Auto Create Drop Ship POs

create-ds-po in custname

EDI Trade ID

trade-id in custname

Store ID

store-id in custname

Do Not Send EDI ASN

skip-856 in custname

Do Not Send EDI Invoice

skip-810 in custname

Do Not Send EDI Order Acknowledgment

skip-855 in custname

Do Not Send EDI Order Status

skip-870 in custname

Auto Create Shipment & Container

create-ship-cnt in custname

To Port

port-key in customer-port

Sales Location

sales-loc-key in customer-port

Start Date

start-date in customer-port

End Date

end-date in customer-port

Ignore Year

ignore-year in customer-port

Contacts Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Contact Group

contact-group-key in contact

Contact Name

contact-name in contact

Contact Title

contact-title in contact

Contact Type

contact-type-key in contact


default-contact in contact


contact-city in contact


contact-state in contact


contact-country in contact

Business Phone

contact-phone in contact

Business Phone Extension

phone-ext in contact


contact-fax in contact

Cell Phone

contact-phone2 in contact

Home Phone

contact-other# in contact

Other Data

other-data in contact

Email Address

contact-phone2 in contact

Contact User Defined 1-10

user-defined-1 to user-defined-10 in contact

Pack List Required Fields Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Bypass Pack List Required Fields Checking

bypass-pkslp-req-check in custname

Pack List Fields


Other Customer Information Fields Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Customer User Defined 1 - 20

user-defined-1 to user-defined-20 in custname

Other Marketing Information Fields Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Market Segment User Defined 1 - 20

user-defined-1 to user-defined-10 in customer-crm