Default Options Update

Menu Path: Settings Images\bluerarw.gif My Settings Images\bluerarw.gif My Default Options


Customize user default options.


Use Default Options Update to customize default options for your user ID. Some of these options can also be set up in User Profile Maintenance.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Default Options Update window.


Click this button to accept changes to your user default settings, and close the Default Options Update window.

Reset Screen Sizes

Click this button to reset all windows back to default sizes.

Reset TabPage Order

Click this button to reset all tabs in windows back to the default order.

Reset Grid Layouts

Click this button to reset all customization for grids, including the sort order, column grouping, and row selector display.

Reset Report Options

Click this button to reset output options for reports to the default settings. Use this button if you selected the Save Report Output Option check box and saved report output options that you no longer want to use.

Note This will reset output options for all reports. Verify that you want to reset output options for all reports before clicking this button.

Reset Ribbonbar Button Order

Click this button to reset all Quick Access toolbar and ribbon buttons to the default layout.

Note This will reset the Quick Access toolbar and ribbon for all windows. Verify that you want to reset the Quick Access toolbar and ribbon for all windows before clicking this button.

Reset Lookup Settings

Click this button to reset all grid settings set up in Drop Browser Settings for all Lookup windows.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


View Program

Enter the folder path and file name of the application you want to use to view reports and logs. This overrides the view program for the system ID. If no view program is entered for your user ID or system ID, the default Windows text viewer is used.

Spreadsheet File

Enter the folder path and file name of the spreadsheet application you want to use to view output spreadsheets (such as Excel).

Image Viewer

Enter the folder path and file name of the graphics application you want to use to view images.

Report Directory

Enter the output folder path for reports.

Screen Position

Click the Lookup button to select how windows are positioned on the screen by default.

Save Screen Sizes

Select this check box if you want to save the size of windows for which you change the size.

Save Tabpage Order

Select this check box if you want to save the order of tabs in windows for which you reorder tabs. This check box is selected by default.

Use Enter as Tab in Fields

Select this check box if you want to move to the next field in windows using the Enter key.

Save Report Output Option

Select this check box to save report output options when you exit a report window.

Example If you use the same printer for reports, select this check box so that the printer output option is saved for your reports.

Show tooltips

Select this check box if you want ToolTips to display when you point to ribbon buttons. The ToolTips list the name of the ribbon button to which you are pointing.