The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is used for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and it is used as a component of an Electronic Product Code (EPC).

The GTIN must be 14 digits, and can be manually entered or generated automatically. If it is generated automatically, it includes the following:

To set up automatic GTIN generation for products:

  1. In Warehouse Management Control Maintenance, select the Automatic GTIN Generation check box on the UPC/GTIN tab.

  2. In the GTIN Number System Character and Manufacturer Code field, enter the 1-digit NSC, followed by the 5-digit manufacturer code.

  3. If you use the Product Lifecycle Management module, and want to generate GTIN's from it, select an Item Code Generation option to control how the 5-digit sequential values are entered or generated. If you select the Task option, also enter a task in which these values will be entered in the Item Code Generation Task field. To display the GTIN for a product in a field for a task, enter the task in the Simple GTIN Code Task field. To display the GTIN for multiple units of measure for a task, enter the grid task in the Unit of Measure Grid Task field. The grid task must contain columns with the following column labels: UM Code, UPC, and GTIN. If the grid task also contains a column for manually overriding the GTIN 5-digit sequential value for the Each unit of measure, enter the column ID value in the Item Override Code Column field.

Note All tasks must be associated with the Product Project workflow type and the Product workflow level.

  1. In Unit of Measure Maintenance, enter a 2-digit GTIN prefix in the GTIN Prefix field for each quantity unit of measure that you want to associate with a GTIN prefix. Automatically generated GTIN's for any unit of measure for which you do not specify a prefix are prefixed with 00.

To automatically generate a single GTIN for a single unit of measure product, select the Generate GTIN check box on the General tab in Product Maintenance.

To automatically generate multiple GTIN for each unit of measure associated with a multiple unit of measure product, select the Generate GTIN at U/M Level check box on the General tab in Product Maintenance.

Note You can generate the GTIN when adding a new product, but cannot subsequently edit it.

If generating GTIN's, but not UPC's at the unit of measure level, then GTIN's will have the same sequence across all units of measure. If generating both GTIN's and UPC's at the unit of measure level, then GTIN's (and UPC's) will have different sequences across different units of measure.

To automatically generate GTIN's in the Product Lifecycle Management module, enter a 5-digit sequential value in the field or grid column for the appropriate task (if necessary), then click the Auto Generate UPC/GTIN button in the ribbon in Lifecycle Data Entry.