EDI Order Acknowledgment Detail

Menu Path: None

To use EDI Order Acknowledgment Detail, click the Order Changes button in the ribbon in EDI Order Acknowledgment Task Management.


Select order detail to include in an order acknowledgment.


Use EDI Order Acknowledgment Detail to manually select the data that is transmitted in an order acknowledgment for a specific order acknowledgment task.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to save changes and close the EDI Order Acknowledgment Detail window.


Click this button to close the EDI Order Acknowledgment Detail window.

Include All

Click this button to select the check box in the Include in Acknowledgment Export column for all records.

Exclude All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Include in Acknowledgment Export column for all records.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Order Acknowledgment Detail

This grid displays order detail to include in the order acknowledgment for an order acknowledgment task.