Financial Report Writer FAQ

Question: How do you set up percentage columns in the Financial Report Writer?

Answer: These are the steps for setting up percentage columns:

  1. In Financial Report Format Maintenance, set up a total row as the % basis and fill in a % ID. To do so, select the Summary radio button. Enter an identifier in the % Id field (for example, Sales if you want to calculate percentage of sales on an income statement) and enter a description. You must also select the from and to rows that the percentage will apply to. Select the % Basis check box to indicate the summary row is the percentage basis for other rows. Leave the Print check box selected to indicate the row will be printed.

  2. Set up any other rows that you want with the same % ID you entered for the summary row in step 1.

  3. If you want to have more than one percentage within the financial report, repeat steps 1 and 2, using a different % ID.

  4. In Financial Report Print / Export, select your financial report and choose one of the *PERCENT* columns in the Available Columns grid. These columns all look at the % ID and % basis to display the percentage.

Example You have three rows in a financial report for accounts A, B, and C. You set up a summary row that displays the sum of the balances for those three accounts. Then, you want to display the percentage of the total amount in each of the accounts. To set this up, you enter an ID (for example, Percent) in the % Id field for all four rows (the three accounts and the summary), and you select the % Basis check box only for the summary row. After you’ve set this up, you set up a percentage column for the financial report in Financial Report / Print Export. When you’re done with this setup, the report may look like the following:



Year To Date

Percent of Row Item: This

Year Current Period (%)

Account A



Account B



Account C






Question: Can I copy an existing financial report format?

Answer: Yes, you can edit a financial report format in Financial Report Format Maintenance, and make a copy by saving it with a new name. After you edit the financial report format, enter a new name in the Financial Report field (e.g., change Income Statement to Income Statement - New), then click the Save button in the ribbon. The new financial report format is created. You can now view both the new financial report format and the original financial report format when you click the Lookup button for the Financial Report field.