Function Parameter Select

Menu Path: None

To use Function Parameter Select, double-click a function in Key Performance Indicator Wizard.


Select a parameter for a variable.


Use Function Parameter Select to select a specific parameter for a variable or function.

Example If you are using the MoneyInAccountVariable variable or the AccountBalance function, you can select the general ledger account for which the variable is storing the balance.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Function Parameter Select window and save the selected parameter.


Click this button to close the Function Parameter Select window without selecting a parameter.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter the parameter, or click the Lookup button to select a parameter.


Click this button to display a List window that allows you to select multiple values for the parameter. This button is not available for all parameters.

Example If the parameter is for a general ledger account, click this button to display Account List, which allows you to select multiple general ledger accounts.