Import/Export Menu Security Settings

Menu Path: System Administration Images\bluerarw.gif Security Images\bluerarw.gif Import/Export Menu Security Settings



Use Import/Export Menu Security Settings to export menu security settings to an XML file, or to import menu security settings from a previously exported XML file. Exporting and importing security settings allows you to migrate security between two systems instead of manually entering security settings.

If you upgraded from a previous version of Apprise, you can export the previous security settings, and then import those settings.

Exporting Menu Security Settings

To export menu security settings:

  1. If you want to export menu security settings from a previous version of Apprise (after upgrading from that version), select the Legacy Export radio button. Otherwise, leave the Export radio button selected.

  2. Enter the path and file name to which you want to export security settings in the File Name field.

  3. Click the Export button in the ribbon. The security settings file is exported to the specified location.

Importing Menu Security Settings

To import menu security settings:

  1. Click the Import radio button, or if you want to import menu security settings from a previous version of Apprise, select the Legacy Import radio button.

  2. Enter the path and file name of the file from which you want to import security settings in the File Name field.

  3. If you want to overwrite group security settings, select the Overwrite Group Settings check box.

  4. Click the Import button in the ribbon. The security settings are imported.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Import/Export Menu Security Settings window.


Click this button to export or import menu security settings.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Select one of the following options:

  • Export - Export security settings to an XML file.

  • Import - Import security settings from an XML file. You can only use this option if you are importing from a file that was exported using the Export option.

  • Legacy Export - Export security settings stored from a previous version of Apprise (after upgrading from that version).

  • Legacy Import - Import security settings from a previous version of Apprise (from a previously exported file). You can only use this option if you are importing from a file that was exported using the Legacy Export option.

File Name

Enter the folder path and file name from which or to which you want to import/export security settings, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the file.

Example C:\Settings\SecuritySettings.xml

Overwrite Group Settings

Select this check box if you want to delete all group and user group security settings, to use only security settings from the import file. This check box is only available if you select the Import radio button.