Incentive Tiers Details Inquiry

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To use Incentive Tiers Details Inquiry, double-click an incentive in Incentive Inquiry.


View tiers for incentives.


Use Incentive Tiers Details Inquiry to display tiers associated with an incentive.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Incentive Tiers Details Inquiry window.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Incentive ID

This field displays the incentive ID for which to display data.

Incentive Name

This field displays the incentive name for which to display data.

Sales Representative ID

This field displays the sales representative for the incentive.

Incentive Payout

This radio set indicates which of the following incentive payouts is used for the incentive:

  • Fixed - This is used to create an incentive of a fixed monetary amount (per incentive goal tier).

  • Volume Based - This is used to create an incentive amount that varies, such as an amount per case sold or per number of placements.

  • Manual - This is used to create a miscellaneous incentive, which is not a monetary amount, such as a television or vacation.

Payout Basis

This radio set indicates the selected payout basis for the incentive.

Incentive Maximum

This field displays the maximum for the incentive.

Tiers Tab Fields and Buttons

This tab is only enabled for tiers-based incentives.

Field or Button


Retroactive Tiers

This check box is selected if the incentive amount for the highest tier achieved for a tiered incentive goal is used for all quantities when calculating the incentive.

Number of Achieved Tiers

This field displays the number of achieved tiers.

Tier 1-10 Quantity

These fields display the quantities for each tier of the incentive.

Tier 1-10 Unit Incentive Amount

These fields display the unit incentive amount for each tier of the incentive.

Tier 1-10 Total Incentive Amount

These fields display the total incentive amount for each tier of the incentive.


This check box is selected for each tier that was achieved.

Manual Tab Fields and Buttons

This tab is only enabled for manual incentives.

Field or Button


Manual Incentive Name

This field displays the name of the manual incentive.

Manual Incentive Description

This field displays the description of the manual incentive.

Mix and Match Tab Fields and Buttons

This tab is only enabled for mix and match incentives.

Field or Button


Number of Achieved "Mix and Match" Goals

This field displays the number of achieved mix and match goals for the incentive.

Total Quantity in Payout

This field displays the total quantity in payout for the incentive.

"Mix and Match" Incentive Amount

This field displays the achieved mix and match incentive amount for the incentive.

Total Incentive Amount

This field displays the total incentive amount for the incentive.