Lookup Inquiry

Menu Path: Accounts Payable Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Vouchers Images\bluerarw.gif Lookup Inquiry


View voucher detail.


Use Lookup Inquiry to view voucher or check information based on a check number, purchase order number, reference number, or voucher number.

Using the Inquiry

To use the Lookup Inquiry:

  1. Select whether you want to search for a voucher or check based on a check, purchase order, reference, or voucher number. Depending on your choice, different fields appear in the top of the window, which you can use as filters for displaying information on the Main tab.

  2. If you are searching based on a check, enter the cash account for the check. If you are searching based on a reference number, enter a supplier.

  3. Enter the check, purchase order, reference, or voucher number. Voucher information appears.

  4. If you want to view voucher detail information, click the View Detail button in the ribbon.

  5. If you are viewing information for a check, you can click the View Checks button in the ribbon to view the check information.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Lookup Inquiry window.


Click this button to display information for the first check, purchase order, reference, or voucher number.


Click this button to display information for the previous check, purchase order, reference, or voucher number.


Click this button to display information for the next check, purchase order, reference, or voucher number.


Click this button to display information for the last check, purchase order, reference, or voucher number.

View Checks

Click this button to display A/P Check Image, which allows you to view check information. This button is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

View Detail

Click this button to display A/P Detail, which allows you to view voucher detail information.

View Voucher Detail

Click this button to display Voucher Edit, which allows you to view and edit voucher information.

Billback Inquiry

Click this button to display Free Goods Billback Inquiry, Incentive Billback Inquiry, Sample Billback Inquiry, or Ship and Debit Inquiry, which allows you to view information for a billback voucher. This button is only enabled if you select a billback voucher.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Lookup Option

Select one of the following options:

  • Check # - Inquire by check number.

  • P.O. # - Inquire by purchase order number.

  • Reference # - Inquire by reference number.

  • Voucher # - Inquire by voucher number.

Check #/P.O. #/Reference #/Voucher #

If the Check # radio button is selected, enter a check number for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select a check number.

If the P.O. # radio button is selected, enter a purchase order number for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select a purchase order number.

If the Reference # radio button is selected, enter a reference number for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select a reference number.

If the Voucher # radio button is selected, enter a voucher number for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select a voucher number.

Pay Method

Click the Lookup button to select a payment method. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Payment Date

This field displays the payment date of the entered check number. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Cash Account

Enter a cash account for which you want to display check information, or click the Lookup button to select a cash account. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Supplier Name

Enter a supplier name for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. This field is only available if you select the Reference # radio button.

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code. This field is only available if you select the Reference # radio button.

Payment Currency

This field displays the payment currency of the entered check number. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Payment Amount

This field displays the payment amount of the entered check number. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.


This field displays the description of the selected cash account. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Display Currency

Click the Lookup button, and select a currency for all inquiry amounts. The currency conversion rate is derived from the original currency and this selected currency.

Display Amount

This field displays the amount of the entered check number in the selected display currency. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Voucher #

This field displays the voucher number.

Batch #

This field displays the batch number associated with the transaction.

Supplier Name

This field displays the supplier name.


This field displays one of the following two-letter abbreviations for the type of the transaction:

  • IN - Invoice

  • CM - Credit memo

  • DM - Debit memo

Supplier Code

This field displays the supplier code.

Voucher Date

This field displays the date of the voucher.

Reference #

This field displays the reference number of the voucher.

Due Date

This field displays the payment due date for the voucher.

P.O. #

This field displays the purchase order number.


This check box is selected for inbound vouchers (vouchers for inventory that is not yet received).

Entered Amount

This field displays the entered amount on the transaction.

Entered Currency

This field displays the entered currency for the transaction.

Original Amount

This field displays the original amount of the transaction.

Transferred to G/L

This check box is selected if the transaction was transferred to the general ledger.

Posting Period

This field displays the period against which the transaction was posted.

Paid Amount

This field displays the amount that has been paid.

Payment Method

This field displays the method of the payment.

Print Attempts

This field displays the number of times the selected check was printed. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Discount Taken

This field displays the amount discounted from the invoice.

Payment Complete

This check box is selected if the voucher was paid in full.

Other Deduction

This field displays the amount of other deductions taken from the invoice amount.


This field displays the status of the transaction (on-hold, ready for payment, etc.).

Forex. Gain/Loss

This field displays the currency exchange gain/loss for the selected check. This field is only available if you select the Check # radio button.

Payment Batch #

This field displays the payment batch number associated with the transaction.

Open Amount

This field displays the amount that has not been paid.

Use Override Exchange Rate

This check box is selected if an override exchange rate was entered for the voucher.

Override Exchange Rate

This field displays the override exchange rate for the voucher.

Payments Made

This grid displays payments made for the voucher. This field is only available if you select the P.O. #, Reference #, or Voucher # radio button. Double-click a payment to display A/P Payment Detail Inquiry, which allows you to view payment detail information.

Total Amount Paid by Checks

This field displays the sum of all check payments made for the voucher.


Click this button to display the first voucher for the check or purchase order. This button is only available if you select the Check # or P.O. # radio button.


Click this button to display the previous voucher for the check or purchase order. This button is only available if you select the Check # or P.O. # radio button.


Click this button to display the next voucher for the check or purchase order. This button is only available if you select the Check # or P.O. # radio button.


Click this button to display the last voucher for the check or purchase order. This button is only available if you select the Check # or P.O. # radio button.