Monitoring Master Table Maintenance

If you edit this topic, review Lifecycle Master Table Maintenance.

Menu Path: Supplier Production Monitoring Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Monitoring Master Table Maintenance


Set up tables of data to automatically generate values during supplier production monitoring data entry.


Use Monitoring Master Table Maintenance to create, edit, and delete supplier production monitoring master tables, which are tables of data that are entered automatically during data entry, and correspond with user-entered values. For example, you can set up a master table for freight, so that when a user enters a specific type of freight, the associated freight percentage is automatically entered.

Each master table is comprised of at least two columns: a criteria column, and a result column. Each represents a specific column in an existing grid workflow task. The criteria column represents the data that is entered by a user, and the result column is the data that is automatically entered by Apprise. A master table with two columns specifies if value X is entered in the criteria column, enter value Y in the related cell in the result column.

Example A grid task includes two columns for product code and price. You set up a master table as follows:

Product Code (Criteria Column)

Price (Result Column)









Then, during data entry, if a user enters product code 102, the price is automatically entered as 200.

You can also set up multiple criteria columns so data defaults only if several values are entered.

Creating Master Tables

To create a master table:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter the workflow type for which you want to create a master table in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter the workflow level for which you want to create a master table in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter the grid task for which you want to create a master table in the Task Name field.

  5. Enter the sequence value for the result column of the master table in the Result Column field.

  6. Enter the sequence value for the criteria column of the master table in the Criteria Column field.

  7. Click the Enter button.

  8. Repeat steps 6-7 for each criteria column you want to include in the master table.

  9. Click the Add button to add a new row to the master table.

  10. Enter values for the result and criteria columns in the grid for the row you added in step 9.

  11. Repeat steps 9-10 for each result column value you want to include in the master table.

  12. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The master table is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Monitoring Master Table Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new master table.


Click this button to update an existing master table.


Click this button to delete a master table.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Workflow Type

Enter a workflow type for which you want to view, create, edit, or delete master tables, or click the Lookup button to select a workflow type.

Workflow Level

Enter a workflow level for which you want to view, create, edit, or delete master tables, or click the Lookup button to select a workflow level.

Task Name

Enter the task name of a grid task for which you want to view, create, edit, or delete master tables, or click the Lookup button to select a grid task.

Result Column

Enter the sequence value for the result column in the master table, or click the Lookup button to select the sequence value.

Label (Result Column)

This field displays the task name of the result column value entered in the Result Column field.

Criteria Column

Enter the sequence value for the criteria column in the master table, or click the Lookup button to select the sequence value.

Label (Criteria Column)

This field displays the task name of the criteria column value entered in the Criteria Column field.


Click this button to add a criteria column to the master table for the sequence value entered in the Criteria Column field.


Click this button to remove the criteria column from the master table for the sequence value entered in the Criteria Column field.


Click this button to add a row to the master table (so that you can enter values for the result and criteria columns).


Click this button to remove the selected row from the master table.

Master Table Values

This grid displays the values in the result and criteria columns for the master table. Click the Add or Delete button to add or remove rows from the master table grid. You can enter values for the master table in any row that you have added to the grid. If a grid column has validated values, you can double-click a cell to select a value.