Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance

If you edit this topic, review Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance Database Information.

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Additional Charges Images\bluerarw.gif Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance


Maintain additional charges or credits that can be applied on orders or invoices.


Use Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance to define and maintain additional charges and credits that can be applied to a sales and/or return order (or optionally, directly to invoices and credit memos). Examples of additional charges include freight, special incentive allowances, return processing charges, etc.

Additional charges can be entered for an entire order or for individual order line items. These charges can have a positive or negative effect, and can be defined for a specific amount or as a percentage.

Additional charges can also be defined to update sales history, which creates records in sales history used for the Executive Information Systems module, in particular, Customer Analysis.

For database information for this window, see Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance Database Information.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new additional charge.


Click this button to update the selected additional charge.


Click this button to delete the selected additional charge.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available if you click the New, Update, or Delete  button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available if you click the New, Update, or Delete  button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first additional charge.


Click this button to display the previous additional charge.


Click this button to display the next additional charge.


Click this button to display the last additional charge.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Charge Type

Enter an additional charge ID, or click the Lookup button to select an additional charge ID.


This field displays the revision number for the selected additional charge. The revision number automatically increases by one every time a user saves changes to an additional charge.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter a short description of the additional charge.

Default Comment

Enter a comment for the additional charge. By default, the comment appears on invoices, but it can be changed or deleted when adding the additional charge during order entry.

Used for

Select whether the additional charge can be used for sales orders, returns, or both sales orders and returns. The Sales radio button is selected and these radio buttons are disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected.

Charge Defaults As

Select whether the additional charge is a specific amount or a percentage.

The Amount radio button is selected and these radio buttons are disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected.

Effect on Order

Select whether the additional charge adds or subtracts from a sales order or return.

User Can Change Sign

Select this check box if a user can change the additional charge to be positive or negative during order processing. This check box is selected by default.


Select whether the additional charge is applied once or every time if multiple pick demands are printed for the order.

Example If you want to assess the additional charge based on the products that are shipped out, and therefore invoiced, select Every Time.

The Every Time radio button is selected and these radio buttons are disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected.

Default Amount

Enter the default amount or percentage of the additional charge entered for orders and invoices. This field is only enabled if the Used As Cost check box is cleared.

Distribute by

If you select to have the charge posted with a product or taxed with a product, select whether you want the charge distributed by total price, total weight, or total volume. If the additional charge is used as a cost, you can select to have the charge distributed by total cost instead of total price. These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Post with Items, Tax with Items, or Used As Cost check box.

Allow Update at Pick Confirmation

Select this check box to allow the additional charge to be updated during pick confirmation.

Used As Payment

Select this check box to allow the additional charge to be used as a payment. This is designed to be used with the calculator button available on the Additional Charges tab in Order Entry. This is most useful when entering a prepaid, cash, or credit card sale. This check box is cleared and disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected.

Updates Sales History

Select this check box to enable the defined additional charge to update various sales history tables. This check box is selected and disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected. This check box is selected by default if the Post with Items check box is selected. This check box is cleared and disabled if the Used As Payment check box is selected.

Select this check box to allow users to view additional charges in the Executive Information Systems module using programs such as Customer Analysis. If this check box is cleared, data in Executive Information Systems tables may be distorted and sales amounts may not match the general ledger sales account(s).

For more information, see Effects of Updates Sales History and Post With Items FAQ.

Display Separately on Forms

Select this check box if you want to display the additional charge separate from products on printed forms (order acknowledgments, invoices, etc.).

Freight Charge

Select this check box if the additional charge is specifically for freight charged to customers. For more information, see Freight Additional Charges FAQ.

Combine with Other Charges for Invoices

Select this check box if you want the amount of the additional charge to be combined with the amounts of other additional charges, and displayed as a summary amount on printed invoices. This setting only affects line item additional charges. This check box is only enabled if you clear the Display Separately on Forms check box.

Impact Line Item Commission

Select this check box to include the additional charge in line item commissions.

Note If a commission rate is set up for the additional charge, this check box is ignored.

Exclude From Order Charges

Select this check box to exclude the additional charge from order and standalone invoice percentage charge calculations. This check box is cleared by default. This check box is disabled if the Used As Cost check box is selected.

Post with Items

Select this check box to post the additional charge amount to the general ledger account associated with the product. If you select this check box, the Account Mask field is disabled.

Note If you select this check box, the additional charge amount is included in the commissionable sales of products.

For more information, see Effects of Updates Sales History and Post With Items FAQ.

This check box is only enabled if you clear the Used As Payment check box. This check box is selected and disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected.

Account Mask

Enter the general ledger account affected by the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to enter a general ledger account by element. This field is only enabled if you clear the Post with Items check box because if that check box is selected, the charge will post with the general ledger account associated with the product. For more information on account masks, see General Ledger Account Resolution.

Note You cannot enter an account in one of the following categories:

  • A/P Clearing

  • A/P Trade

  • A/P Write-off

  • A/R Clearing

  • A/R Trade

  • A/R Write-Off

Tax with Items

Select this check box to tax the additional charge at the same rate as products on the order, based on the sales tax category of the products. If you select this check box, the Sales Tax Category field is disabled. This check box is cleared and disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected. For more information about additional charges when the system is integrated with AvaTax, see AvaTax Integration - Dealing with Additional Charges.

Sales Tax Category

Enter a sales tax category for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a sales tax category. This field is only available when the internal tax functionality is used. Also, this field is required (and only enabled) if you clear the Tax with Items and Used As Cost check boxes. For more information, see Sales Tax Category Maintenance.

Sales Tax Code

Enter the appropriate and unique Avalara tax code for the additional charge. This field is only used when the system is integrated with AvaTax. For more information, see AvaTax Interface FAQ and AvaTax Integration - Dealing with Additional Charges.

Used As Cost

Select this check box to post additional costs incurred instead of additional charges to be invoiced to customers.

Note If you select this check box:

  • The Used for, Charge Defaults As, Account Mask, and Sales Tax Category fields are disabled.

  • The Used As Payment, Updates Sales History, Display Separately on Forms, Freight Charge, Post with Items, and Tax with Items check boxes are disabled.

  • The additional charge cannot be applied on sales orders containing drop ship lines.

  • Drop ship lines cannot be added to orders that use the additional charge.

  • You cannot clear this check box after you save the additional charge.

Example Certain orders require an internal review which increases the cost of the order by $50. The customer’s price and invoice are not affected. The Fixed Amount radio button is selected and 50 is entered in the Cost Amount field.

Example When a customer return is issued and the goods are received to stock, internal handling costs are associated with the goods. The cost is entered when the return is received in Return Order Receipt Confirm. The Manual Entry radio button is selected and no value is entered in the Cost Amount field.

This check box is cleared and disabled if the Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions or Update 'Cost' Sales History Component check box is selected.

Cost As

Select one of the following methods for calculating the additional charge:

  • Fixed Amount - The cost is the amount entered in the Cost Amount field and cannot be changed when it is used in a sales order.

  • Percentage - The additional charge amount is the order total multiplied by the cost percentage. The percentage value defaults to the value entered in the Cost Amount field and can be changed in Order Entry.

  • Manual Entry - The additional charge is an amount entered in Order Entry. Its value defaults from the value entered in the Cost Amount field.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Used As Cost check box.

Cost Amount

Enter a cost amount based on the selected option in the Cost As field. This field is only enabled if you select the Used As Cost check box.

G/L Offset Account

Enter the general ledger account where the expense for an additional charge that is used as a cost will be posted. This field is only enabled if you select the Used As Cost check box.

Used for Drop Ship Cost Based Commissions

Select this check box if the additional charge is used for drop-ship cost based commissions. This check box is cleared by default. For more information, see Drop-Ship Commission Orders FAQ.

Update 'Cost' Sales History Component

Select this check box if the additional charge is used to update cost sales history. This check box is cleared by default. For more information, see Drop-Ship Commission Orders FAQ.

Profitability Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Profit Category Code Sales (Customer)

Enter a customer scorecard profit category code for sales for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a customer scorecard profit category code. For information on setting up scorecard profit categories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Subcategory Code Sales (Customer)

Enter a customer scorecard profit subcategory code for sales for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a customer scorecard profit subcategory code. For information on setting up scorecard profit subcategories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Category Code Cost (Customer)

Enter a customer scorecard profit category code for costs for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a customer scorecard profit category code. For information on setting up scorecard profit categories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Subcategory Code Cost (Customer)

Enter a customer scorecard profit subcategory code for costs for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a customer scorecard profit subcategory code. For information on setting up scorecard profit subcategories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Category Code Sales (Supplier)

Enter a supplier scorecard profit category code for sales for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier scorecard profit category code. For information on setting up scorecard profit categories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Subcategory Code Sales (Supplier)

Enter a supplier scorecard profit subcategory code for sales for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier scorecard profit subcategory code. For information on setting up scorecard profit subcategories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Category Code Cost (Supplier)

Enter a supplier scorecard profit category code for costs for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier scorecard profit category code. For information on setting up scorecard profit categories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Subcategory Code Cost (Supplier)

Enter a supplier scorecard profit subcategory code for costs for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier scorecard profit subcategory code. For information on setting up scorecard profit subcategories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Category Code Sales (Product)

Enter a product scorecard profit category code for sales for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a product scorecard profit category code. For information on setting up scorecard profit categories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Subcategory Code Sales (Product)

Enter a product scorecard profit subcategory code for sales for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a product scorecard profit subcategory code. For information on setting up scorecard profit subcategories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Category Code Cost (Product)

Enter a product scorecard profit category code for costs for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a product scorecard profit category code. For information on setting up scorecard profit categories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

Profit Subcategory Code Cost (Product)

Enter a product scorecard profit subcategory code for costs for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a product scorecard profit subcategory code. For information on setting up scorecard profit subcategories, see Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

VAT Accts Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Output VAT

Enter all or part of the output VAT general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to select all or part of an account by element. For more information on output VAT accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Note You can enter asterisks (*) for account elements you do not want to resolve from the additional charge. You must enter an asterisk for each digit in the account element. For example, if an element has a length of four, you must enter four asterisks.

Output VAT Variance

Enter all or part of the output VAT variance general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to select all or part of an account by element. For more information on output VAT variance accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Note You can enter asterisks (*) for account elements you do not want to resolve from the additional charge. You must enter an asterisk for each digit in the account element. For example, if an element has a length of four, you must enter four asterisks.

VAT Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


VAT Taxable

Select this check box if the country uses VAT for the selected additional charge. This check box is only enabled if the Used As Cost check box is cleared on the Main tab and a VAT exempt reason code is not entered in the VAT Exempt Reason Code field.


Enter a country code for which you want to add VAT information to the selected additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a country code. For information on setting up countries, see Country Maintenance. This field is only enabled if the Used As Cost check box is cleared on the Main tab.

VAT Class Code

Enter a VAT class code to associate with the country for the selected additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT class code. For information on setting up VAT classes, see VAT Class Maintenance. This field is only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is selected.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

Enter a VAT exempt reason code to associate with the country for the selected additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT exempt reason code. For information on setting up VAT exempt reasons, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance. This field is only enabled if the Used As Cost check box is cleared on the Main tab, and the VAT Taxable check box is cleared.


Click this button to add the VAT information for the country to the selected additional charge. This button is only enabled if the Used As Cost check box is cleared on the Main tab.


Click this button to remove the selected country-specific VAT information from the Countries grid. This button is only enabled if the Used As Cost check box is cleared on the Main tab.


This grid displays country-specific VAT information for the selected additional charge. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Country - This column displays the country code for each country for which VAT information is entered for the additional charge.

  • VAT Taxable - The check box in this column is selected for each country for which VAT is calculated for the additional charge.

  • VAT Class Code - This column displays the VAT class code associated with each country for the additional charge.

  • VAT Exempt Reason Code - This column displays the VAT exempt reason code associated with each country for the additional charge.

  • Current VAT Rate - This column displays the current VAT rate for the class code associated with each country for the additional charge. The VAT rate is defined by the VAT class.