Business Intelligence Overview

The Business Intelligence module includes the following documents:

Document Name



Use this document to analyze sales information, such as:

  • yesterday's sales

  • MTD versus LMTD sales

  • YTD versus LYTD sales

  • 30 day versus last 30 day sales

  • YTD versus prior year sales

  • WTD versus LWTD sales

  • sales margin over the last 12 months

  • top 10 customer sales groups

  • gross sales by product category over the last three 30 day periods

  • gross sales by billing customer

  • gross sales by shipping location, sales location, customer division, customer, product category, product style, product, and primary sales representative

  • sales information by customer, product, and invoice


Use this document to analyze inventory information, such as:

  • current inventory

  • inventory valuation by product category

  • inventory valuation percentage by product category

  • inventory turns by product category

  • inventory earns by product category

  • GMROI by product category

  • average inventory by product category

  • net units sold by product category

  • MTD versus LMTD inventory

  • YTD versus LYTD inventory

  • inventory for the last 12 months and the prior 12 month period

Customer Profitability

Use this document to analyze profitability information for customers, such as:

  • MTD versus LMTD profit by profit group, division, sales group, sales team, sales representative, shipping location, and sales location

  • YTD versus LYTD profit by profit group, division, sales group, sales team, sales representative, shipping location, and sales location

  • profit margin percentage yearly trends by customer profit group

  • MTD and YTD profit percentages by billing customer profit group

  • billing customer profit group amounts by MTD, LMTD, YTD, and LYTD

  • MTD and YTD top 10 billing customers

  • customer profitability by profit group, sales group, division, sales representative, sales team, shipping location, and sales location

  • amounts of chargebacks, invoices, vouchers, and manual entries

  • cost amounts and percentages by profit group

  • cost amount yearly trends

  • percent of cost yearly trends

Supplier Profitability

Use this document to analyze profitability information for suppliers, such as:

  • MTD versus LMTD profit by profit group, supplier division, supplier group, and supplier royalty book

  • YTD versus LYTD profit by profit group, supplier division, supplier group, and supplier royalty book

  • profit margin percentage yearly trends by supplier profit group

  • MTD and YTD profit percentages by supplier profit group

  • supplier profit group amounts by MTD, LMTD, YTD, and LYTD

  • MTD and YTD top 10 suppliers

  • supplier profitability by profit group, supplier division, supplier royalty book, and supplier group

  • amounts of invoices, vouchers, and manual entries

  • cost amounts and percentages by profit group

  • cost amount yearly trends

  • percent of cost yearly trends

Product Profitability

Use this document to analyze profitability information for products, such as:

  • MTD versus LMTD profit by profit group, product category, primary sales representative, sales team, shipping location, sales location, product style, and billing customer division

  • YTD versus LYTD profit by profit group, product category, primary sales representative, sales team, shipping location, sales location, product style, and billing customer division

  • profit margin percentage yearly trends by product profit group

  • MTD and YTD profit percentages by product profit group

  • product profit group amounts by MTD, LMTD, YTD, and LYTD

  • MTD and YTD top 10 products

  • product profitability by profit group, product category, primary sales representative, secondary sales representative, sales team, shipping location, and sales location

  • amounts of invoices, vouchers, and manual entries

  • cost amounts and percentages by profit group

  • cost amount yearly trends

  • percent of cost yearly trends

Cash Flow

Use this document to analyze cash flow information, such as:

  • beginning balances in cash accounts

  • monthly, weekly, and daily comparisons of cash inflows and outflows

  • monthly, weekly, and daily cash inflow

  • monthly, weekly, and daily past due accounts receivables

  • monthly, weekly, and daily past due sales orders

  • monthly, weekly, and daily cash outflow

  • monthly, weekly, and daily past due purchase orders

A/P Aging

Use this document to analyze accounts payable aging information, such as:

  • past due amounts in various aging buckets

  • past due amounts for supplier divisions

  • past due amounts for purchase orders and purchase order additional charges

  • past due percentages for suppliers

  • past due percentages by supplier division

A/R Aging

Use this document to analyze accounts receivable aging information, such as:

Customer Product Goals

Use this document to view customer product goal information, such as:

  • percentage of goals fulfilled

  • missed goals

  • goals for billing customers, customer divisions, product categories and subcategories


Use this document to key information, such as:

  • gross sales KPIs

  • sales margin in the last 12 months

  • purchase orders

  • inventory valuation

  • accounts receivable KPIs

  • accounts payable KPIs

  • cash flow

  • gross sales by month/year, shipping location, sales location, customer division, customer, product category, product style, product, primary sales representative, and invoice

  • inventory turns, earns, GMROI, average inventory, and net units

  • cash inflows and outflows

  • average days to pay

  • weighted average days to pay

  • average days past due

  • weighted average days past due

  • accounts payable past due percentage

  • customer, product, and supplier profitability

Sales Rep View - Consumer Products

Sales Rep View

Use either of these documents to help sales representatives be apprised of important data, such as:

  • customer information

  • customer open amounts

  • open invoices

  • open invoice detail

  • customers by past due amounts

  • customers by open amounts

  • sales

  • open orders

  • inventory availability

  • inventory reservations

  • sales restrictions

  • opportunities

A/R Chargeback

Use this document to analyze chargeback information, such as:

  • open chargeback amounts

  • open chargeback counts

  • chargeback and invoice comparison by year

  • MTD versus LMTD open chargeback counts, original chargeback amounts, open chargeback amounts, resolved amounts, unresolved amounts, chargeback payment close amounts, chargeback write-off close amounts, chargeback credit close amounts, chargeback absorb close amounts, chargeback transfer close amounts

  • YTD versus LYTD open chargeback counts, original chargeback amounts, open chargeback amounts, resolved amounts, unresolved amounts, chargeback payment close amounts, chargeback write-off close amounts, chargeback credit close amounts, chargeback absorb close amounts, chargeback transfer close amounts

  • chargeback analysis by billing customer, customer division, customer sales group, and billing customer chargeback team

A/R Credit

Use this document to analyze credit task information, such as:

  • MTD and YTD open credit tasks

  • MTD and YTD on hold numbers

  • comparisons of hold task numbers by type

  • total open credit amount

  • approved credit tasks

  • customers with open credit tasks open for the most days

  • MTD versus LMTD credit limit holds, credit score holds, default terms holds, finance terms holds, inactive customer holds, NSF payment holds, order class holds, and past due holds

  • YTD versus LYTD credit limit holds, credit score holds, default terms holds, finance terms holds, inactive customer holds, NSF payment holds, order class holds, and past due holds

  • credit task and hold counts


Use this document to analyze order booking information, such as:

  • net bookings versus sales

  • bookings trends

  • gross bookings amount percentages

  • top 10 billing customers

  • bookings by customer, product, product category, product style, primary sales representative, sales location, shipping location, customer, and product

NOTE If you have licensed Apprise Report Studio, additional documents are available for Apprise Report Studio reports.

Data for the Business Intelligence module should be updated for each document daily, so that you can keep up-to-date on the latest trends in your business.

To update each report:

  1. Generate the appropriate extract file(s) in Business Intelligence Export (see the table below). The extract file contains the statistical data for your company. The Business Intelligence server should be set up to automatically refresh your documents based on the updated data.

NOTE You can use the Base Data Export to quickly export the following:

  • Accounts

  • Contacts

  • Customers

  • Locations

  • Products

  • Sales Representatives

  • Suppliers

  • Translations

  • Holidays

The following table lists the files used for each document in the Business Intelligence module:

Export Name

Export Program Name

Export File Name

Used for Sales Document

Used for Inventory Document

Used for Customer Profitability Document

Used for Supplier Profitability Document

Used for Product Profitability Document

Used for Cash Flow Document

Used for A/P Aging Document

Used for A/R Aging Document

Used for Customer Product Goals Document

Used for Executive Document

Used for Sales Rep View Document

Used for Sales Rep View - Consumer Products Document

Used for A/R Chargeback Document

Used for A/R Credit Document

Used for Bookings Document

Used for A/P Aging Document (Apprise Report Studio)

Used for A/P Voucher Document (Apprise Report Studio)

Used for A/R Aging Document (Apprise Report Studio)

Used for A/R Invoice Document (Apprise Report Studio)

Used for Inventory Document (Apprise Report Studio)

Used for Sales Document (Apprise Report Studio)

Suppliers Export










Products Export







GL Accounts Export





















Locations Export




Customers Export

























Sales Representatives Export







Translations Export









Cash Flow Export






















Invoice Export















InvoiceCharges [year].txt





































AP Aging Export




















AR Aging Report Export



















Payment Statistics Export





















Inventory Export






































Turns and Earns





















Customer Product Goals























Supplier Profitability Export






















Customer Profitability Export






















Product Profitability Export






















Purchasing Export




















Restrictions and Reservations










































Holiday Export






















AR Chargeback Export























AR Credit Export























Bookings Export























Product Locations Export






















Order Classes Export

