Product Lifecycle Management Alert Rules

Different product lifecycle management alert rules can be set up for various task formats. The following table summarizes available alert rules for each task format:

Task Format

Alert Rule Name

Alert Trigger

Alert Parameters






All Changes

Value changes


Change From/To

Value changes from one specified value to another specified value

  • From Value

  • To Value

Linked Task

Note This alert rule can only be created if the rule is for a specific task.

Date changes by a specified number of days after a specified task is completed, and alerts are created in Lifecycle Alert Create

Example Task B needs to be completed within 3 days after Task A is completed. A Linked Task alert rule is set up for Task B to create an alert if 3 days have passed since Task A is completed. Task A is completed on 04/04. When alerts are created in Lifecycle Alert Create on 04/07, the alert is created.

  • Alert Days

  • Linked Task Name

Status Specific

Value changes to the specified value



Date Back

Date changes to a prior date by the specified number of days or more


Date Forward

Date changes to a future date by the specified number of days or more


Days Past Due

Date is a specified number of days in the past and alerts are created in Lifecycle Alert Create

Example A date task value is 06/15/2020. A Days Past Due alert rule is set up to create an alert 3 days after the task date. When alerts are created in Lifecycle Alert Create on 06/18/2020, the alert is created.

  • Days

  • Days Before Another Alert

Days Reminder

Date is a specified number of days in the future and alerts are created in Lifecycle Alert Create

Example A date task value is 06/15/2020. A Days Reminder alert rule is set up to create an alert 3 days before the task date. When alerts are created in Lifecycle Alert Create on 06/12/2020, the alert is created.

  • Days

  • Days Before Another Alert

Linked Date Tasks

Date entered for a date task meets the specified criteria for the comparison with a date entered for a different date task

Example 04/04/2020 is entered for Task A and 04/08/2020 is entered for Task B. A Linked Date Tasks alert rule is set up for Task A to create an alert if the date for Task B is 3 days greater than the date for Task A. An alert is created because the date for Task B is 4 days after the date for Task A.

  • Comparison

  • Linked Date Task Name

  • Number of Days



Less Than

Value is less than the specified number

Specified Number

Greater Than

Value is greater than the specified number

Specified Number

Number Change Less

Value decreases by the specified amount and/or percentage

  • Amount Less

  • Percent Less

Number Change More

Value increases by the specified amount and/or percentage

  • Amount More

  • Percent More