Processing External Consolidation Ledger Journal Entries

If you have external ledgers (you store ledgers in multiple Apprise databases), perform the following to consolidate journal entries:

  1. In the database that contains the source ledger, create and post journal entries.

  2. In Consolidation Journal Management or General Ledger Transaction Export, export journal entries from the source ledger to one or more XML files.

  3. Move the XML files created in step 2 to the import folder set up in Ledger Maintenance in the database of the destination ledger.

  4. In General Ledger Transaction Import, import journal entries to the destination ledger.

  5. In General Ledger Transaction Export, export journal entry statuses for the destination ledger to one or more XML files.

  6. Move the XML files created in step 5 to the import folder set up in Ledger Maintenance in the database of the source ledger.

  7. In General Ledger Transaction Import, import journal entry statuses to the database of the source ledger. The statuses can then be viewed in Consolidation Journal Management.