Weighing Packages with a USB Scale

You can use a USB scale to weigh packages when shipping orders to customers. The scale should be connected to a USB port on the Apprise Client computer.

NOTE You can only use Mettler-Toledo scales connected via a USB cable (no adaptors).

To use a USB scale to weigh packages:

  1. In Pick Demand Confirm, select a pick demand that you are confirming.

  2. Click the Real Time Pack button in the ribbon. The Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack window appears.

  3. Add products to the physical package. As you add products, the package is weighed (every .25 seconds).

  4. After you finish packing the box, click the Next Pack or Create Packs button in the ribbon. The weight from the scale is assigned to the package, and will be used to determine shipping rates.

NOTE If you change the contents of a package, you are asked if you want to weigh the package.

You can also manually weigh a package by clicking the Weigh Package button in the ribbon in Pick Demand Confirm or Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack.

The scale is also used to weigh packages when the Pack Remainder or Auto Build Packages button is clicked in the ribbon in Pick Demand Confirm, or when the Create X Packs of Y Qty or Auto Build Packages button is clicked in Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack. If multiple packages are automatically created using these buttons, it is assumed that each package is the same weight as the package currently on the scale.

NOTE Scale weights are in pounds.