Purchase Order Process Flow

Apprise provides multiple methods of entering purchase orders to record data for products your company purchases from suppliers. Typically, purchase orders are generated via DRP or based on minimum and maximum stocking levels.

Note For information on setting up DRP, see DRP Implementation Guideline.

You can also create purchase orders by manually entering the order data or importing the data from an external file, such as a Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Note Purchase orders are also generated for drop ship, special, and transfer orders. For information on the processing for these types of orders, see Drop Ship Orders Process Flow and Transfer Order Process Flow.

After purchase orders are created, the orders typically must be approved before being marked as ordered. You can then track the shipments and containers that contain the products for the purchase order.

After the shipments arrive in your company's warehouse, the products are received into inventory, and the inventory general ledger posting is performed.

For a visual representation of the purchase order process flow, see Purchasing Process Flow Diagram.

Creating Purchase Orders

The following four methods are used to create purchase orders:

The following sections describe the steps for creating a purchase order for each of these methods.

Creating Purchase Orders using DRP

To create a purchase order from DRP:

  1. In Forecast Create, generate product/location system forecasts.

    1. Select the Run Actual Planned Receipt check box.

    2. Click the Create button in the ribbon.

  2. In Summary DRP Management, generate purchase orders.

    1. Select filter criteria for the purchase orders you want to create.

    2. Select whether to view forecasts by month, week, or day, and the range of time for which to view forecasts.

    3. Click the Display tab, and select the DRP data you want to display.

    4. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Planned Receipts tab displays planned receipt quantities.

    5. Verify/modify the planned receipt quantities.

    6. Click the Totals tab, and review the total costs, quantities, and amounts.

    7. Click the Create Purchase Orders button in the ribbon. The Create Purchase Orders window appears.

    8. Enter a Purchases type purchase class in the PO Class field.

    9. Enter the range of dates for which to create purchase orders.

    10. If you want to create a separate purchase order for each actual planned receipt date, select the Separate by Expected Date check box.

    11. Click the Create button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays the purchase orders that are created. You can double-click an order to view the order details and modify it.

  3. In Purchase Order Maintenance, review the created purchase orders to verify all information is correct.

Creating Purchase Orders using Minimum/Maximum Buying Recommendations

To create purchase orders from minimum and maximum buying recommendations:

  1. In Product Maintenance and Product Location Maintenance, select Min/Max in the Buying Method field for products you want to use with min-max purchasing. You must also enter a primary supplier, minimum stock level, and maximum stock level. When available inventory falls below the minimum stock level, a purchase order is recommended. The purchase recommended amount will be made to increase inventory up to this amount. The minimum purchase quantity optionally may be entered. This quantity is the minimum amount that can be recommended for purchase for a product. A purchase increment optionally may be entered. Any purchase quantity will be in multiples of this increment value.

  2. In Min-Max Buying Maintenance, create a buying ID associated with a specific supplier or all suppliers, a location, and a buyer for which to create purchase orders.

    1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

    2. Enter the buying ID in the Buying ID field.

    3. Enter a supplier code or name in the Supplier Code or Name field for which to use the buying ID to create purchase orders, or select the All check box to create purchase orders for all suppliers.

    4. Enter a location prefix or name in the Location Prefix or Location Name field for the location for which to use the buying ID to create purchase orders.

    5. Enter the user ID of the buyer for the buying ID in the Internal Buyer field.

    6. If you do not want to create purchase orders with quantities greater than the maximum stock level for products, select the Do Not Recommend Purchases That Exceed Max Qty check box.

    7. If you want to use the buying ID to create purchase orders for all products (instead of only products below the minimum stock level), select the All Supplier Items radio button.

    8. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The buying ID is created.

  3. In Min-Max Buying Select, create buying information for a range of products.

    1. Enter the buying ID for the products you want to purchase in the Buying Selection ID field. The information for the buying ID appears.

    2. If you want to use Scheduling Assistant to process buying information, select the External radio button.

    3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The buying information is created.

  4. In Min-Max Buying Recommendations, generate purchase orders for the buying recommendations.

    1. Enter a Purchases type purchase class in the PO Class field.

    2. Enter the buying ID for products you want to purchase in the Buying ID field. The Results tab displays recommended purchase quantities.

    3. If you want to change the purchase quantity or supplier, click the Update button in the ribbon, make the changes, and click the OK button in the ribbon.

    4. Click the Create button in the ribbon. A purchase order is created. The Question dialog box appears, and asks if you would like to review the purchase order.

    5. Click the Yes button.

  5. In Purchase Order Maintenance, review the created purchase orders to verify all information is correct.

Creating Purchase Orders Manually

To create a purchase order manually:

  1. In Purchase Order Maintenance, enter the purchase order information.

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter the supplier code or name of the supplier from which you are buying in the Supplier Code or Supplier Name field.

  3. Verify/change purchase order entry and supplier defaults, such as the shipping and billing location, payment terms, etc.

  4. Enter a Purchases type purchase class in the Purchase Class field.

  5. Verify/change the order required date entered in the Required Date field.

  6. Add purchase order notes and/or remarks if necessary using the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon.

  7. Click the Additional Charges tab, and add additional charges if necessary.

  8. Click the Ship To tab, and verify/change the ship-to address.

  9. Click the Bill To tab, and verify/change the bill-to address.

  10. Click the Ship From tab, and verify the/change the ship-from address of the supplier.

  11. Click the Edit Items button in the ribbon. The PO Line Item Entry window appears.

  12. Enter a product code in the Product Code field or a supplier product code, in the Supplier Product Code field.

  13. Enter the quantity to order in the Qty field.

  14. Verify the correct unit of measure and product cost are entered in the Unit U/M and Cost fields.

  15. Click the Enter button to enter the line item in the Items grid.

  16. Verify all settings in the Items grid. For more information, see PO Line Item Entry Items Grid Columns.

  17. Add line item additional charges if necessary using the Additional Charges button in the ribbon. For more information, see Charge Entry.

  18. Add notes and/or remarks for a line item if necessary using the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon.

  19. Repeat substeps l to r for all products for the order.

  20. Click the OK button in the ribbon to return to the Purchase Order Maintenance window.

  21. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The purchase order is created.

If you require authorization to order a purchase order, the order status is now Awaiting Approval, and the purchase order must be approved by an authorized user.

If you do not require authorization to order a purchase order, the Question dialog box appears and asks if you want to order the purchase order. Click the Yes button if you want to mark the order as ordered or the No button if you do not want to mark the order as ordered. The order status is now Approved if you clicked the No button or Ordered if you clicked the Yes button.

Creating Purchase Orders using Imported Data

To create purchase orders from imported data:

  1. In Purchase Order Import, import purchase orders.

    1. Select the Validate Only radio button. This allows you to verify the import file is formatted correctly before importing.

    2. Click the Lookup button for the Import File field, then navigate to and select the file that contains the purchase order data you want to import.

    3. If you want the prices in the import file to override resolved product prices, select the Override Price Lookup check box.

    4. Click the Validate button in the ribbon to start the validation process. The Importing dialog box appears. The Import Status field displays the status of the import, including any error messages. After the validation is complete, the Purchase Order Import Report appears.

    5. If the Purchase Order Import Report includes any errors, correct the import file, and repeat steps 3 to 4 until all errors are resolved.

    6. Select the Import if all Data is Valid radio button.

    7. Click the Import button in the ribbon to import purchase order data. After the import is complete, the Purchase Order Import Report appears, and informs you of the created purchase order number(s).

  2. In Purchase Order Maintenance, review imported purchase orders to verify all information is correct.

Processing Purchase Orders

After a purchase order is created, the processing is the same, regardless of the method used to create the order.

To process a purchase order:

  1. If approval is required for the purchase order, in Purchase Order Authorize.

    1. Select a purchase order to approve.

    2. Enter a reason for approving the purchase order in the Reason field.

    3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The purchase order is approved. Your Outlook address book appears. The purchase order status is now Approved.

  1. In Purchase Order Maintenance, mark the order as ordered (if it wasn't already marked as ordered).

    1. Enter the purchase order number in the Purchase Order # field.

    2. Click the Edit button in the ribbon.

    3. Select the Ordered check box.

    4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The order is updated. The purchase order status is now Ordered. You can now print the purchase order and send it to the supplier, or transmit the purchase order to the supplier via EDI.

  2. If you are tracking the shipment and container for the purchased products, in Shipment Management, create a shipment and container.

    1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

    2. Enter a shipment ID for the shipment in the Shipment # field.

    3. Enter the vessel name of the vessel carrying the shipment in the Vessel Name field.

    4. Enter the shipper ID of the shipper for the shipment in the Shipper ID field.

    5. Click the Lookup button for the Status field, and select a shipment status.

    6. Enter the port of origin and destination for the shipment in the From Port and To Port fields.

    7. Enter the country of origin and destination for the shipment in the Originating Country and Ship to Country fields.

    8. Enter the scheduled ship and delivery date in the Scheduled Ship Date and Scheduled Delivery Date fields.

    9. Click the New Container button in the ribbon. The Container Management window appears.

    10. Enter a name for the container in the Container Name field.

    11. Enter information for the container, such as the container status and owner.

    12. Click the Add Purchase Orders button in the ribbon. The Container PO Selection window appears.

    13. Double-click the purchase orders with products in the container.

    14. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to return to the Container Management window.

    15. Enter the scheduled delivery date in the Scheduled Delivery Date fields.

    16. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The container is created.

    17. In the Shipment Management window, click the OK button in the ribbon. The shipment is created. During shipping, you can update the shipment information to keep an accurate record of the current shipment status, delivery date, etc.

  3. In Receiving Entry, receive the purchase order.

    1. Enter the ship-to location prefix for the warehouse in which products are being received in the Ship To Location field.

    2. Enter the dock in which products are being received in the Dock field.

    3. If you are receiving specific containers, select the Containers radio button. Otherwise, leave the Purchases radio button selected.

    4. If you are receiving purchase orders, and you want to receive for a single supplier, buyer, or originator, clear the All Suppliers, All Buyers, or All Originators check box, and enter the supplier, buyer, or originator in the Supplier, Buyer, or Originator field.

If you are receiving containers and you want to receive for a single shipper or shipment, clear the All Shippers or All Shipments check box, and enter the shipper or shipment number in the Shipper or Shipment Number field.

  1. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon if you changed any settings in substep d or changed any settings in substeps a or b, and then left the Purchases radio button selected in substep c.

    1. If there are many purchase orders or containers and you want to find a specific one, enter it in the Position To Purchase Order or Position To Container Number field.

    2. Select a purchase order or container in the grid, and click the Receipt button in the ribbon. The Purchase Order Receipt window appears, and allows you to continue the receiving process.

    3. Enter a bill of lading number in the BOL field.

    4. Enter a receipt date if it is not the current (default) date in the Receipt Date field.

    5. Enter a receipt time in the Receipt Time field, and click the Lookup button to select AM or PM.

    6. To receive a line item as is, select the line item and click the As Is button in the ribbon, and then skip to substep r. When you click this button, the values in the Received Qty column in the Line Items grid are set to the values in the Expected Qty column.

Note When receiving a container of a shipment, special care needs to be taken if the shipment has additional charges associated with it. Generally, to ensure correct allocation of additional charges to a container, the container should be received only if the expected quantity equals the received quantity. If you try to receive a container where the expected quantity does not equal the received quantity, you will receive a warning message. For more information, see Purchase Additional Charges and Landed Cost FAQ.

    1. If you will not receive line items as is, select a line item, and then click the Receive Item button. The PO Item Receipt window appears.

    2. Enter the receipt quantity (if it is other than the expected quantity) in the Receipt Qty field.  You can also click the Lookup button to adjust the unit of measure. If the product is tracked by lot or serial number, enter the lot or serial number associated with the product.

    3. Click the Enter button to accept the receipt quantity. The product appears in the Receipts grid. The Receipt Complete check box is automatically selected if products have been received in full. It can also be selected manually if you no longer want to receive any other on order products. Doing so removes the on order quantity from the inventory matrix. When the receipt is marked as complete here, the check box for the line item is selected in the Rcpt. Cmp column in the Items grid In PO Line Item Entry.

    4. You can add additional charges, notes, and remarks for the product that is being receipted by clicking the Add Charges, Notes, or Remarks button in the ribbon.

    5. You can use the up and down arrow buttons to display other products that are to be received. These are the products that are displayed in the Items tab in Purchase Order Receipt.

    6. Click the OK button to return to the Purchase Order Receipt window.

    7. Click the Add Items button if you want to add other products to a purchase order that is being received. The PO Receipt Item Entry window appears. Select a product code or name, and enter the quantity to be added. You can also select a supplier product code. Click the Enter button to add the product, and click the Exit button in the ribbon to return to the Purchase Order Receipt window.

Note The Add Items button is only available if the Can Enter Additional Receipt Items check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options.

    1. You can attach a receiving image file to the receipt by entering a valid file name and path in the Receiving Image field.

    2. Click the Additional Charges tab if you want to create additional charges for the purchase order that is being received. Enter a charge type in the Type field. You can also add a comment to the additional charge. Click the Enter button to accept the charge. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

    3. Click the Print Options tab and select options for outputting the Receiving Entry Report.

    4. Click the Print button in the ribbon to output the Receiving Entry Report.

    5. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save the receipt information you processed and create a receipt number. The receipt number is displayed. If the supplier for the receipt is set up to print receiving labels, the Question dialog box appears and asks you if you want to print the labels. Click the Yes button to print receiving labels or click the No button if you do not want to print receiving labels. If you click the Yes button, see Receiving Labels Print for information on printing receiving labels.

After all products are received for a purchase order, the purchase order status is Fully Received.

  1. In Inventory Receipt Post, post the purchase order receipts.

    1. Enter the period and year for which to post receipts, or if you want to post all receipts, select the All Periods check box.

    2. Enter the location prefix or name for which to post receipts, or if you want to post receipts for all locations, select the All Locations check box.

    3. If you want to post receipts for a specific range of dates, clear the All Dates check box, and enter the range of dates.

    4. Click the Print Options tab, and select output options for the posting report.

    5. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Confirm Posting dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to post.

    6. Click the OK button. The receipts are posted and the posting report is output based on the options you selected in substep d. The posting is complete.

To record voucher and payment information for the purchase order, the Accounts Payable module is used. After the voucher is reconciled with the purchase order, the purchase order status is Closed. For more information on the reconciliation and payment process, see Accounts Payable - Purchase Order Reconciliation Process Flow.