Product Price and Cost Copy Utility

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Order Options Images\bluerarw.gif Pricing Images\bluerarw.gif Utilities Images\bluerarw.gif Product Price and Cost Copy Utility



Use Product Price and Cost Copy Utility to copy price matrix records, ship and debit records, and/or estimated costs from one product to another product. You can use this utility to quickly copy prices between two similar products. You can select to copy all product price records or only product price records for a specific customer. You can also select to only copy records for a specific price region.

If you want to copy estimated costs, you must also select a location from which to copy the costs.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Product Price and Cost Copy Utility window.


Click this button to copy the price and/or cost records.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Price Matrix Records

Select this check box to copy price matrix records from one product to another product. This check box is selected by default. If you select this check box, you must specify a price region from which you are copying price matrix records.

Ship and Debit Records

Select this check box to copy ship and debit records from one product to another product. This check box is cleared by default.

Estimated Costs

Select this check box to copy estimated costs from one product to another product. If you select this check box, you must specify a location from which you are copying estimated costs. This check box is cleared by default.

All Product Price Records/Customer Product Price Records

Select whether to copy all product price records or only product price records for a specific customer. These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Price Matrix Records check box.

Copy From Product

Enter a product code from which to copy price and/or cost records, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Name (Copy From Product)

Enter a product code from which to copy price and/or cost records, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Copy To Product

Enter a product code to which to copy price and/or cost records, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Name (Copy To Product)

Enter a product name to which to copy price and/or cost records, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.


Enter a location for which to copy estimated costs. This field is only enabled if you select the Estimated Costs check box.

Price Region

Enter a price region for which to copy price records, or click the Lookup button to select a price region. This field is only enabled if you select the Price Matrix Records check box.


Enter a country for which to copy price records, or click the Lookup button to select a country. For information on setting up countries, see Country Maintenance.