Quality Control Detail

Menu Path: None

To use Quality Control Detail, click the Quality Control Detail button in the ribbon in Pending Receipt Review.


View and enter defective product information.


Use Quality Control Detail to enter defective product information during a quality control inspection.

Entering a Defective Product

To enter a defective product:

  1. Enter the product code or name.

  2. If the product is associated with a license plate ID, enter the license plate ID.

  3. Enter the quantity and unit of measure for the defective product.

  4. Enter notes about the defective product.

  5. Click the Add button. The defective product is removed from inventory in the pending receipt bin.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Quality Control Detail window.


Click this button to display Attachment Entry, which allows you to enter an attachment for the defective product record, such as a picture of a damaged product.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

Enter a product code that is defective, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Product Name

Enter a product name that is defective, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.

License Plate ID

Enter a license plate ID for the defective product, or click the Lookup button to select a license plate ID.


Enter the quantity and unit of measure of the defective product.

Defective Notes

Enter notes describing the defective product.


Click this button to add the defective product record to the pending receipt.


Click this button to remove the selected defective product record in the Defective Products grid from the pending receipt.

Defective Products

This grid displays defective products for the pending receipt.