Quantity To Pick Inquiry

Menu Path: None

To use Quantity To Pick Inquiry, double-click a quantity in the Quantity To Pick column in the grid on Results tab in Pre Pick Management.


View orders to pick for a product and location.


Use Quantity To Pick Inquiry to display orders and quantities to pick for a specific product and location. You can view orders for all required dates, a single required date, or a specific range of required dates.

Using the Inquiry

To use the Quantity to Pick Inquiry:

  1. Enter a product code or name for which you want to view orders in the Product Code or Product Name field.

  2. Enter a location prefix or name for which you want to view orders in the Location Prefix or Location Name field.

  3. If you want to view orders for a specific required date or range of required dates, clear the All Required Dates check box, and enter the date or range of dates.

  4. Select the type of unit of measure in which you want to display quantities for orders.

  5. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays orders and quantities that need to be picked for the criteria selected in steps 1 to 4.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Quantity To Pick Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to display orders on the Results tab, based on the criteria selected on the Select tab.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

Enter a product code for which to view orders to pick, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Product Name

Enter a product name for which to view orders to pick, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.

Location Prefix

Enter a location prefix for which to view orders to pick, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix.

Location Name

Enter a location name for which to view orders to pick, or click the Lookup button to select a location name.

All Required Dates

Select this check box to display orders to pick for all required dates. This check box is cleared by default.


Enter a required date for which to display orders to pick, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If you want to display orders to pick for a range of required dates, enter the first required date in the range. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Required Dates check box.


Enter the last required date in a range of required dates for which to display orders to pick, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If you want to display orders to pick for a single required date, you can leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Required Dates check box.


Select whether to display order quantities in the selling, stocking, or display unit of measure for the selected product/location.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays orders based on the criteria selected on the Select tab after you click the Show Data button in the ribbon. Double-click an order to display Order Edit, which allows you to view detailed information for the order.

This grid includes the following columns:

  • Order Number - This column displays the order number for each order.

  • Quantity - This column displays the quantity of the product that needs to be picked for each order.

  • U/M Code - This column displays the unit of measure for each order line item. This is based on the selected U/M option on the Select tab.

  • Order Date - This column displays the order date for each order.

  • Required Date - This column displays the required date for each order.

  • From Fixed Kit Item - The check box in this column is selected for each order with a fixed kit line item if the fixed kit includes the product selected on the Select tab.

  • Fixed Kit Item - This column displays the product code of the fixed kit line item for the order if the fixed kit includes the product selected on the Select tab.