Reporting Account Maintenance

Menu Path: None

To use Reporting Account Maintenance, click Reporting Account in Financial Report Format Maintenance.

Note This button is only available if you select the G/L Account radio button.


Enter reporting account filter criteria for financial reports.


Use Reporting Account Maintenance to set up filter criteria for reporting accounts on financial reports.

NOTE If you edit a reporting account definition, and it is used in multiple reports, it will change in every report in which it is used.

Creating Reporting Accounts

To create a reporting account:

  1. Enter a description of the reporting account in the Description field.

  2. Select whether the account defaults to credits or debits.

  3. In the Include Accounts Where section, enter a filter criterion. Select the AND or OR radio button to specify whether the relationship of the criterion with the next criterion will be inclusive or exclusive. If it is the last criterion, select the Blank radio button.

  4. Click the Enter button.

  5. Repeat steps 3 to 4 for any additional filter criteria.

  6. Click the Show Accounts button to verify that the correct accounts are included in the reporting account.

  7. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The reporting account is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Reporting Account Maintenance window.


Click this button to accept the filter criteria and close the Reporting Account Maintenance window.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Reporting Account

Enter the reporting account number, or click the Lookup button to select an account number.


This field displays the description of the selected reporting account number.

Default to

Select whether to default to a credit or debit.

Include Accounts Where

Select a filtering method, and then click the Lookup buttons to select filter criteria for accounts to include on the financial report. The first and last Lookup button allow you to enter parenthesis around the criterion. This is useful if you are creating a complex set of conditions. The three other Lookup buttons allow you to select the following:

  • Category - If you selected the Account Elements radio button, select a general ledger account element for the criterion, such as a specific company or cost center. This field is only enabled if you select the Account Elements radio button.

  • Operator - Select one of the following: equal to (EQ), not equal to (NE), greater than (GT), less than (LT), greater or equal to (GE), or less than or equal to (LE). If you select the Account Type radio button, you can only select EQ or NE.

  • Value - Select a specific value for the category.

Example If you want to only report on cost center ID 10, you could select Cost Center EQ 10 using the middle three Lookup buttons.


Select one of the following options:

  • Blank - Select this option if you are entering the last criterion for a reporting account.

  • AND - Select this option if you want this criterion and another criterion to be met for the reporting account.

  • OR - Select this option if you want either this criterion or another criterion to be met for the reporting account.


Click this button to enter the selected criterion in the Selection Criteria grid.


Click this button to clear the Include Accounts Where fields.


Click this button to update a selected filter criterion in the Selection Criteria grid.


Click this button to delete a selected filter criterion in the Selection Criteria grid.

Selection Criteria

This grid displays selected filter criteria for the financial report line.

Selected Accounts

This grid displays accounts that match filter criteria in the Selection Criteria grid after you click the Show Accounts button.

Show Accounts

Click this button to display accounts in the Selected Accounts grid that match the filter criteria in the Selection Criteria grid.