Menu Path: Customer Service Reports
Sales Restriction Report
Create a sales restriction report.
Use Sales Restriction Report to provide information regarding the status of sales restrictions, including allocated quantities, used quantities, and remaining quantities. For more information on sales restrictions, see Sales Restriction Maintenance.
Button |
Description |
Exit |
Click this button to close the Sales Restriction Report window. |
Click this button to output the report. |
Field or Button |
Description |
Enter the earliest expiration date for which to include sales restrictions on the report, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If you do not want to filter by expiration date, leave this field blank. If you are outputting the report via Scheduling Assistant, you can select a virtual date for this field. |
Select this check box to include sales restrictions for all sales representatives on the report. This check box is selected by default. |
Enter a sales representative ID for which to include sales restrictions on the report, or click the Lookup button to select a sales representative ID. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Sales Representatives check box. |
Click this button to display Sales Representative List, which allows you to select multiple sales representatives for which to include data on the report. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Sales Representatives check box. If you click this button and select sales representatives, the check box to the right of the button is selected. |
Select this check box to include sales restrictions for all customers on the report. This check box is selected by default. |
Enter a customer code for which to include sales restrictions on the report, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customers check box. |
Enter a customer name for which to include sales restrictions on the report, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customers check box. |
Select this check box to include sales restrictions for all products on the report. This check box is selected by default. |
Enter a product code for which to include sales restrictions on the report, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Products check box. |
Enter a product name for which to include sales restrictions on the report, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Products check box. |
Select one of the following report types:
Select whether to sort by customer, product, sales representative, or division. These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Customer/Representative Report, Sales Representative Report, or Division Report radio buttons. |
Select whether to include sales restrictions on the report for products, product categories, or product subcategories. |
Field or Button |
Description |
Output Option |
Select one of the following output options:
Save Report File |
Select this check box to save the Crystal Reports report (.rpt) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the report file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button. |
Save Access Database File |
Select this check box to save the Access database (.mdb) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the Access database file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button. |
Output File Type |
Specify File Name |
Output Directory |
Enter the location for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location. This field is only available if the Specify File Name check box is cleared. |
Output File Name |
Excel Format Name |
Format Maintenance |
Click this button to display Excel Format Maintenance, which allows you to set up Excel formats. This button is only available if you select the Excel radio button. |
Save As Type |
Include header |
Delimiter |
Enclosing Character |
Printer |
Subject |
Report File Prefix |
Add Additional Comments |
Select this check box if you want to include additional comments with the emailed report. If you select this check box, the Additional Comments window appears after you click the Print button in the ribbon, and allows you to enter the comments. This check box is only available if you select the Email radio button. |
Print Full Heading on All Pages |
Print Title Line on All Pages |
Report Language 1 |
Report Language 2 |
Horizontal Shading |
Collate |
Select this check box to collate the printed copies of the report (if you are printing multiple copies of the report). This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button and enter a value greater than 1 in the Number of Copies field. Example You are printing five copies of a 20 page report to distribute to five different people. Leave this check box selected, so that pages 1-20 of the first copy prints, then pages 1-20 of the second copy, etc. If you clear this check box, five copies of page 1 prints, then five copies of page 2, etc. |
Horizontal Shading Color |
Number of Copies |
Process |
Select whether the task is run now or run by Scheduling Assistant. If you select the Schedule radio button, you can specify when the task occurs, and optionally set up an alert to be created when the task completes. These radio buttons are only enabled if the Disable Scheduling Assistant check box is cleared for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. Note If you select the Schedule radio button, you cannot output to the screen. |
Time |
Date |
Task Occurs |
Select one of the following options:
These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button. |
Frequency |
These radio buttons are only available if you select the Every radio button. |
Day of Week |
Repeat Every X Days |
Repeat On |
Repeat Every X Minutes |
Triggering Task Id |
Triggering Task Name |
Triggering Task Description |
Task Description |
Scheduling Assistant Queue |
Enter an active Scheduling Assistant queue for the task, or click the Lookup button to select a Scheduling Assistant queue. This defaults to the default queue for your user ID. This field is only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and you are assigned to a queue other than the Default queue. |
External Email |
Screen Alert |
Internal Email |
Report Files |
This grid displays report files set up for the report, and is only available if report files are set up for the program in Report File Maintenance. This grid includes the following columns: