Shipment Batch Selection

Menu Path: None

To use Shipment Batch Selection, click the Shipment Batch Lookup button or the button to the right of the Lookup button in End of Day Package Export.


Select one or more shipment batches to print the UPS end of day label.


Use Shipment Batch Selection to select one or more shipment batches to print the UPS end of day label.

The shipment batch grid contains details such as ProShip Shipper, Carrier, and Ship Date. You can select or deselect the rows containing details of each shipment batch in the grid.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to accept an action and close the Shipment Batch Selection window.


Click this button to cancel an action and close the Shipment Batch Selection window.

Select All

Click this button to select all the check boxes in the Selected column in the grid.

Deselect All

Click this button to deselect all the check boxes in the Selected column in the grid.