Supplier Portal Role Maintenance

Menu Path: Portals Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Portal Images\bluerarw.gif Site Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Portal Role Maintenance


Define and maintain roles for supplier portals.


Use Supplier Portal Role Maintenance to define roles for supplier portals. A role is a template of supplier portal user access settings that can be assigned to multiple users.

Creating a Supplier Portal Role

To create a new supplier portal role:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a supplier portal site ID or name for the supplier portal role in the Site ID or Site Name field.

  3. Enter a name for the supplier portal role in the Role field.

  4. Enter a description of the supplier portal role in the Short Description field.

  5. Select the appropriate options for the role.

  6. Click the Update Access tab.

  7. Select the check box in the Updateable grid column for each task you want to allow to be updated for the role.

  8. Select the check box in the Generate Task grid column for each task which when updated will automatically generate a supplier portal task.

  9. Click the Portal Pages tab.

  10. Select the check box in the Accessible grid column for each supplier portal page to which you want to allow access for the role.

  11. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The supplier portal role is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Supplier Portal Role Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new supplier portal role. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to update the selected supplier portal role. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to delete the selected supplier portal role. You cannot delete a role if it is associated with supplier portal users. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.

Show Data

Click this button to display sites on the Inquiry tab based on the selected criteria. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is displayed.


Click this button to display the first supplier portal role. This button navigates by site, and then by role name. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to display the previous supplier portal role. This button navigates by site, and then by role name. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to display the next supplier portal role. This button navigates by site, and then by role name. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to display the last supplier portal role. This button navigates by site, and then by role name. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Site ID

Enter a supplier portal site ID for the supplier portal role, or click the Lookup button to select a site ID.

Site Name

Enter a supplier portal site name for the supplier portal role, or click the Lookup button to select a site name.


Enter a role name, or click the Lookup button to select an existing role name. This must be a unique name for the supplier portal site.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Short Description

Enter a description for the supplier portal role.

Can View Costs

Select this check box if role users can view costs on the supplier portal site. This check box is cleared by default.

Can Access All Suppliers

Select this check box if role users can access all suppliers associated with the supplier portal site. This check box is cleared by default.

Can Access All Shippers

Select this check box if role users can access all shippers associated with the supplier portal site. This check box is cleared by default.

Can Access Transfer Orders

Select this check box if role users can view transfer orders on the supplier portal site. Typically, this check box is cleared for an employee of a supplier, but selected for a broker. This check box is cleared by default.

Can Access Transactions with Blank Shipper

Select this check box if role users can access transactions with blank shippers. This check box is cleared by default.

Can Perform Production Monitoring Tasks

Select this check box if role users can perform supplier production monitoring tasks. This check box is cleared by default.

Can Perform Product Lifecycle Management Tasks

Select this check box if role users can perform product lifecycle management tasks. This check box is cleared by default.

Portal Pages Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Portal Pages

This grid lists portal pages and allows you to select which pages can be accessed by users assigned to the role.

Update Access Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid lists tasks and allows you to select which tasks are updateable by users assigned to the role, and which tasks generate supplier portal tasks after being updated by a user assigned to the role. Supplier portal tasks are viewed in Supplier Portal Task Management.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is disabled if you are creating, editing, or deleting a supplier portal role.

Field or Button


All Sites

Select this check box to display supplier portal roles for all supplier portal sites. This check box is selected by default.

Site ID

Enter a supplier portal site ID for which to display supplier portal roles. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Sites check box.

Can View Costs

Select this check box to only display supplier portal roles that are allowed to view costs.

Can Access Transactions with Blank Shipper

Select this check box to only display supplier portal roles that are allowed to access transactions with blank shippers.

Can Access All Suppliers

Select this check box to only display supplier portal roles that are allowed to access all suppliers.

Can Perform Production Monitoring Tasks

Select this check box to only display supplier portal roles that are allowed to perform supplier production monitoring tasks.

Can Access All Shippers

Select this check box to only display supplier portal roles that are allowed to access all shippers.

Can Perform Product Lifecycle Management Tasks

Select this check box to only display supplier portal roles that are allowed to perform product lifecycle management tasks.

Can Access Transfer Orders

Select this check box to only display supplier portal roles that are allowed to access transfer orders.

Supplier Portal Roles

This grid displays supplier portal roles based on the selected criteria after you click the Show Data button in the ribbon.