A/P Payment Reconciliation Exchange Rate

Menu Path: None

To use A/P Payment Reconciliation Exchange Rate, double-click a payment that was not made in your default currency in the Available A/P Payment Items grid in Accounts Payable Payment Reconcile, or select a payment that was not made in your default currency in the grid, and then click Add.


Enter a reconciliation exchange rate for a payment.


Use A/P Payment Reconciliation Exchange Rate to enter the exchange rate between currencies for a payment reconciliation. You can also select to use the exchange rate for all subsequent payments.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the A/P Payment Reconciliation Exchange Rate window.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Payment Method

This field displays the payment method for the payment.

Payment ID

This field displays the payment ID for the payment.

Paid Exchange Rate

This field displays the paid exchange rate for the payment.

Paid Currency

This field displays the currency in which the payment was paid.

Convert to Currency

This field displays the currency to which you are converting.

Reconciliation Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate for the payment reconciliation.

Use for All Subsequent Payments

Select this check box to use the entered exchange rate for all subsequent payments.