Attachment Entry

Menu Path: None

To use Attachment Entry, click the Attachments button in the ribbon in any window that allows you to add attachments.


Enter, view, edit, or delete attachments.


Use Attachment Entry to create and manage attachments. You can view and manage attachments only for the current product, customer, etc., which was displayed before you opened the Attachment Entry window. You can also import attachments in Attachment Import.

For more information on attachments, see Attachments.

Creating Attachments

To create attachments:

  1. Enter a description of the attachment in the Subject field.

  2. Enter an attachment group for the attachment in the Attachment Group field.

  3. Click the Lookup button for the Attachment File field, then navigate to and select the file for the attachment.

  4. Enter an attachment type in the Attachment Type field.

  5. Select documents for which to output the attachment.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The attachment is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Attachment Entry window.


Click this button to create a new attachment. This button is disabled if you are in Inquiry mode.


Click this button to update the selected attachment. This button is disabled if you are in Inquiry mode.


Click this button to delete the selected attachment. This button is disabled if you are in Inquiry mode.

Show Data

Click this button to show attachment data in the Attachments grid based on the selected criteria.


Click this button to open the attachment file in an external application.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter a brief description of the subject matter of the attachment.

Attachment Group

Enter a group for the attachment, or click the Lookup button to select a group. For information on setting up attachment groups, see Attachment Group Maintenance.

Attachment File

Click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the file for the attachment.

Note If an attachment directory is set up for the system ID, attachment group, or attachment type, the file is copied to the attachment directory when you select the file. If no attachment directory is set up, the attachment remains in the original location.

Attachment Type

Enter a type for the attachment, or click the Lookup button to select a type. For information on setting up attachment types, see Attachment Type Maintenance.

Available Documents

This grid displays all documents on which you can output the attachment. These documents are specific to the window you used to access Attachment Entry.

Click this button to add a document selected in the Available Documents grid to the Selected Documents grid. This allows you to specify the documents on which the selected attachment is output.

Click this button to add all documents in the Available Documents grid to the Selected Documents grid. This allows you to specify that the selected attachment is output for all documents specific to the attachment type.

Click this button to remove a document from the Selected Documents grid.

Click this button to remove all documents from the Selected Documents grid.

Selected Documents

This grid displays documents selected for the attachment. You can select the check box in the Print, Email, and/or Fax grid columns to indicate if the attachments are allowed to be printed, emailed, or faxed for each document.

All Date Ranges

Select this check box to display attachments from all dates in the Attachments grid. This check box is selected by default.


Enter the first date in a date range for which you want to display attachments in the Attachments grid, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Date Ranges check box.


Enter the last date in a date range for which you want to display attachments in the Attachments grid, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Date Ranges check box.

All Authors

Select this check box to display attachments from all users who attached files in the Attachments grid. This check box is selected by default.


Enter the user ID of a person to display only files attached by that person in the Attachments grid, or click the Lookup button to select a user ID. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Authors check box.

All Attachment Groups

Select this check box to display attachments from all attachment groups in the Attachments grid. This check box is selected by default.

Attachment Group

Enter an attachment group for which to display attachments in the Attachments grid, or click the Lookup button to select an attachment group. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Attachment Groups check box.

Primary Sort

Select a method for sorting the attachments in the Attachments grid.

All Attachment Types

Select this check box to display attachments of all types in the Attachments grid. This check box is selected by default.

Attachment Type

Enter an attachment type for which to display attachments in the Attachments grid, or click the Lookup button to select an attachment type. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Attachment Types check box.

Secondary Sort

Select a secondary method for sorting the attachments in the Attachments grid.


This grid displays existing attachments that meet the specified criteria for the current product, customer, etc. If you are in Inquiry mode (the New, Update, and Delete buttons in the ribbon are disabled), double-click an attachment to open it.