Bill of Material Copy Selection

Menu Path: None

To use Bill of Material Copy Selection, create a new bill of material in Bill of Material Maintenance for a product for which a bill of material already exists, and click the Yes button in the Question dialog box that asks you if you want to copy an existing bill of material.


Select a bill of material to copy.


Use Bill of Material Copy Selection to select a bill of material from which you want to copy data to a new bill material for a specific product.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Bill of Material Copy Selection window and copy data from an existing bill of material to a new bill of material.


Click this button to close the Bill of Material Copy Selection window without copying data from an existing bill of material.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Bills of Material

This grid displays bills of material for the product from which you can copy data. Select the bill of material you want to copy.