Browser Column Maintenance

Menu Path: System Administration Images\bluerarw.gif Tools Images\bluerarw.gif Customization Images\bluerarw.gif Browser Column Maintenance

Note You can also access Browser Column Maintenance, by right-clicking a grid, and selecting Add Columns.


Add columns to grids.


Use Browser Column Maintenance to add columns to grids. You can add columns for specific users or user groups if you access this window from the menu.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Browser Column Maintenance window.


Click this button to accept an action.


Click this button to save grid column settings.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Users & Groups

This field displays users and groups. Double-click a user or group to select the user or group for which you want to edit columns. This field is only enabled if you access this window from the menu. If you access this window from a specific grid, you can only add columns for your own user ID.

Group Info/Tables/Fields

This field displays tables and fields that you can add to a grid. Select the field you want to add to a grid.


Select whether the grid column is added for a single window or all windows. These radio buttons are only available if you access this window from a specific grid.


Enter a label for the column.


Click this button to add the selected grid column.


Click this button to remove the selected grid column.

Selected Group Information

This grid displays selected grid columns. You can edit the labels for these columns in the Label column.