Consolidation Journal Entry Detail

Menu Path: None

To use Consolidation Journal Entry Detail, double-click a journal entry in Consolidation Journal Management.


View detailed information for consolidation journal entries.


Use Consolidation Journal Entry Detail to display credits and debits for a consolidation journal entry, and optionally display any error messages associated with the creation of the journal entry in the destination ledger.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Consolidation Journal Entry Detail window.

Journal Entry Detail

Click this button to display Journal Entry Detail, which allows you to view more detailed information for the selected journal entry. This button is only available if the Source Journal is displayed or the Destination Journal tab is displayed for a consolidation journal entry that was created successfully without errors.

Source Journal Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Journal Number

This field displays the journal entry number for the source journal entry.

Posting Period

This field displays the posting period for the source journal entry.

Ledger ID

This field displays the ledger ID for the source journal entry.


This field displays the currency of the source journal entry.


This field display the posting year for the source journal entry.


This grid displays the credits and debits for the source journal entry.

Destination Journal Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Journal Number

This field displays the journal entry number for the destination journal entry.

Posting Period

This field displays the posting period for the destination journal entry.

Ledger ID

This field displays the ledger ID for the destination journal entry.


This field displays the currency of the destination journal entry.


This field display the posting year for the destination journal entry.


This grid displays the credits and debits for the destination journal entry.

Errors Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays errors associated with the creation of the destination journal entry.