Customer Credit Rule Maintenance Database Information

Data for Customer Credit Rule Maintenance is stored in multiple tables.



Field Name/Table

Customer Code

credit-customer-key in customer-ar

Credit Group

credit-group-key in customer-ar

Dun & Bradstreet Number

db-code in customer-ar

Credit Division

credit-div-key in customer-ar

Display Currency

currency in glconst

Default Rules

credit-dflt in customer-ar

Key Rules Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Minimum Credit Score

credit-min-score in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Note The date in the New Effective Date field is stored in effective-date in ar-credit-change for the specific credit-customer-key.

Credit Limit

credit-limit in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Note The date in the New Effective Date field is stored in effective-date in ar-credit-change for the specific credit-customer-key.

Credit Limit Overage %

credit-limit-overage-pct in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Note The date in the New Effective Date field is stored in effective-date in ar-credit-change for the specific credit-customer-key.

Credit Insurance

credit-insurance-amt in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Note The date in the New Effective Date field is stored in effective-date in ar-credit-change for the specific credit-customer-key.

Actual Credit Score

credit--score in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Note The date in the New Effective Date field is stored in effective-date in ar-credit-change for the specific credit-customer-key.

Credit Check Update Limit

credit-ck-upd-limit in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Credit Check Backorders

credit-ck-bo in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Credit Check Backorder Days

credit-ck-bo-days in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Payment Terms Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Standard Payment Terms

terms-code in ar-credit-change for the specific credit-customer-key

Credit Memo Override Payment Terms

cm--terms-code in ar-credit-change for the specific credit-customer-key

Approved for Finance Payment Terms

ft-approved in custname

Credit Aging Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Past Due Days

credit-past-due-days in ar-credit-days

Credit Priority

credit-past-due-days-priority in ar-credit-days

Credit Aging

This grid includes the following columns:

  • Past Due Bucket # - sort-order in ar-credit-days

  • Past Due Days - credit-past-due-days in ar-credit-days

  • Past Due Aging Label - credit-past-due-days-label in ar-credit-days

  • Priority - credit-past-due-days-priority in ar-credit-days

Credit Options Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Allowed to Place Orders

credit-can-place-order in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Credit Check Option

credit-check-option in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Future Credit Check Days

credit-future-order-days in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Inactive Customers Hold

hold-inactive in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Days Since Last Invoice

hold-inactive-days in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Order Class Hold

hold-order-class in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Order Class

credit-order-class in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Order Class Threshold Amount

credit-order-class-thres-amt in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Non-Default Payment Terms Hold

hold-default-terms in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Credit Score Hold

hold-credit-score in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

NSF Payment Hold

hold-nsf in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Days Since Last NSF Payment

credit-days-nsf in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Credit Past Due Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Past Due Hold

hold-past-due in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Grace Days

credit-grace-days in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Minimum Past Due Balance

credit-min-amt in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Minimum Past Due Percentage

credit-min-pct in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Include Finance Charges

credit-incl-past-due-fc in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Include Disputed Invoices

credit-incl-past-due-di in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Include Chargebacks

credit-incl-past-due-cb in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Offset Unapplied Payments

credit-offset-up in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Offset On-Accounts

credit-offset-oa in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Offset Credit Memos

credit-offset-cm in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Collection Team Past Due Credit Release

credit-allow-coll-team in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Credit Limit Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Credit Limit Hold

hold-credit-limit in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Include Disputed Invoices

credit-incl-limit-di in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Include Chargebacks

credit-incl-limit-cb in customer-ar ,ar-credit-div and ar-credit-group

Credit Alert Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Use Credit Alerts

use-credit-alerts in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Comparison Months

credit-comp-periods in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days to Pay (Low Trigger Amount)

credit-adtp-low-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days to Pay (High Trigger Amount)

credit-adtp-high-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days to Pay (Trend Lower %)

credit-adtp-trend-low-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days to Pay (Trend Higher %)

credit-adtp-trend-high-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days to Pay (Low Trigger Amount)

credit-wadtp-low-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days to Pay (High Trigger Amount)

credit-wadtp-high-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days to Pay (Trend Lower %)

credit-wadtp-trend-low-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days to Pay (Trend Higher %)

credit-wadtp-trend-high-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days Past Due (Low Trigger Amount)

credit-adpd-low-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days Past Due (High Trigger Amount)

credit-adpd-high-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days Past Due (Trend Lower %)

credit-adpd-trend-low-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Average Days Past Due (Trend Higher %)

credit-adpd-trend-high-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days Past Due (Low Trigger Amount)

credit-wadpd-low-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days Past Due (High Trigger Amount)

credit- wadpd-high-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days Past Due (Trend Lower %)

credit-wadpd-trend-low-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Weighted Average Days Past Due (Trend Higher %)

credit-wadpd-trend-high-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Days Sales Outstanding (Low Trigger Amount)

credit- dso-low-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Days Sales Outstanding (High Trigger Amount)

credit- dso-high-amt in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Days Sales Outstanding (Trend Lower %)

credit-dso-trend-low-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Days Sales Outstanding (Trend Higher %)

credit-dso-trend-high-pct in customer-ar, ar-credit-div or ar-credit-group

Credit Dates Tab Fields


Field Name/Table

Next Credit Review Date

credit-review-date in customer-ar

Next Financial Statement Review Date

credit-financial-date in customer-ar

User Date Fields 1-5

credit-date-1 [thru 5] and credit-date-1-label [thru 5] in customer-ar

Last Invoice Date

last-inv-date in customer-ar