Driver Commission Rebuild and Update

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Order Options Images\bluerarw.gif Driver Reconciliation and Commission Images\bluerarw.gif Driver Commission Rebuild and Update



Use Driver Commission Rebuild and Update to recalculate driver commissions if there was an error in the original calculation. It also allows you to manually enter driver commission amounts if calculated amounts were not correct.

Rebuilding Driver Commissions

  1. Select reconcile dates, delivery confirmation numbers, and driver commission codes for which to rebuild driver commissions.

  2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays delivery confirmations that meet the criteria you selected in step 1.

  3. If you want to rebuild commissions for all displayed delivery confirmations, click the Rebuild All button in the ribbon.

If you want to rebuild commissions for specific delivery confirmations, click the Update button, select the check box in the Recalculate grid column for the confirmations, and click the OK button in the ribbon.

  1. The Question dialog box appears and asks if you want to rebuild driver commissions.

  2. Click the Yes button.

Updating Driver Commissions

  1. Select reconcile dates, delivery confirmation numbers, and driver commission codes for which to update driver commissions.

  2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays delivery confirmations that meet the criteria you selected in step 1.

  3. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  4. Enter the appropriate driver commissions in the Override Commission Amount grid column.

  5. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears and asks if you want to update driver commissions.

  6. Click the Yes button.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Driver Commission Rebuild and Update window.

Show Data

Click this button to display delivery confirmation records on the Results tab based on the criteria selected on the Select tab.


Click this button to edit driver commission amounts.


Click this button to save changes to driver commission amounts. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel changes to driver commission amounts. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Select All

Click this button to select the check box in the Recalculate column for all displayed delivery confirmations. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Recalculate column for all displayed delivery confirmations. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Rebuild All

Click this button to recalculate driver commissions for all delivery confirmations that meet the criteria selected on the Select tab.

Driver Commission Maintenance

Click this button to display Driver Commission Maintenance, which allows you to view and edit information for the driver commission code associated with the selected delivery confirmation.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All Reconcile Dates

Select this check box to display delivery confirmations for all reconcile dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Reconcile Date)

Enter a reconcile date for which to display delivery confirmations, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If you want to display delivery confirmations for a range of reconcile dates, enter the first date in the range. This field is only enabled if the All Reconcile Dates check box is cleared.

To (Reconcile Date)

Enter the last reconcile date in a range of reconcile dates for which to display delivery confirmations, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If you want to display delivery confirmations for a single date, leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if the All Reconcile Dates check box is cleared.

All Delivery Confirmation Numbers

Select this check box to display all delivery confirmation numbers based on the selected criteria. This check box is selected by default.

From (Delivery Confirmation Number)

Enter a delivery confirmation number to display, or click the Lookup button to select a delivery confirmation number. If you want to display a range of delivery confirmations, enter the first delivery confirmation number in the range. This field is only enabled if the All Delivery Confirmation Numbers check box is cleared.

To (Delivery Confirmation Number)

Enter the last delivery confirmation number in a range of delivery confirmation numbers to display, or click the Lookup button to select a delivery confirmation number. If you want to only display a single delivery confirmation, leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if the All Delivery Confirmation Numbers check box is cleared.


Select this check box to display delivery confirmations for all driver commission codes. This check box is selected by default.

Driver Commission Code

Enter a driver commission code for which to display delivery confirmations, or click the Lookup button to select a driver commission code. This field is only enabled if the All check box is cleared.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Delivery Confirmations

This grid displays delivery confirmations after you click the Show Data button in the ribbon. After you click the Update button in the ribbon, you can enter an override commission amount for each delivery confirmation. You can also select the check box in the Recalculate column for each delivery confirmation for which you want to recalculate the commission amount.