Edit A Batch

Menu Path: None

To use Edit A Batch, click the Edit or Edit Batch button on the Batch tab in the ribbon in any window that tracks transactions by batch.


Edit an existing batch.


Use Edit A Batch to edit an existing batch. You can enter the number of transactions that you expect to be in the batch and the amount of these transactions. You can also enter a description and remarks for the batch.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Edit A Batch window.


Click this button to close the Edit A Batch window and save edits to the batch.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Batch #

Click the Lookup button to select a batch you want to edit. This defaults to the batch selected in the window you used to access Edit A Batch.


This field displays the default currency for the batch.

Expected Count

Enter the number of total transactions you expect will be included in the batch.

Actual Count

This field displays the number of transactions that have already been entered for the selected batch.

Expected Amount

Enter the amount of all transactions you expect will be included in the batch.

Actual Amount

This field displays the amount of all transactions that have already been entered for the selected batch.


Enter a short description of the batch.


Enter remarks about the batch.

Reconcile Individual Payments

Select this check box to allow individual payments to be reconciled in Bank Reconciliation. This check box is selected by default for electronic batches and cleared by default for manual batches. This check box is only available for accounts receivable payment batches. You cannot change this check box after any deposits are reconciled for the batch.