Automatic Order Deallocation FAQ

Question: In which situations does Apprise allow automatic deallocation of orders?

Answer: Apprise allows automatic deallocation of orders in the following situations:

Question: Which windows or programs are enhanced to include automatic order deallocation?

Answer: The following windows or programs are enhanced to include automatic order deallocation:

Question: Which conditions must be met to trigger automatic deallocation?

Answer: Automatic deallocation can be triggered on Inventory Adjust and Bin Move if the the following conditions are met:

Inventory Adjust

  1. The Allow Automatic Order Deallocation on Inventory Adjust check box is selected in Warehouse Management Control Maintenance.

  2. At the bin/lot/serial level, the inventory adjustment must not cause the new quantity on hand to be less than the current quantity allocated.

  3. At the location level, the inventory adjustment causes the new quantity on hand to be less than the current quantity allocated.

Bin Move

  1. The Allow Automatic Order Deallocation on Bin Move check box is selected in Warehouse Management Control Maintenance.

  2. Quantity to be transferred is less than the quantity available at the location level.

  3. Transfer to a bin that is not available.

Question: When running automatic deallocation, in which hierarchy or sequence do we select orders?

Answer: The deallocation of inventory is determined by the reversed backorder release priority list. For example, the hierarchy is set up as follows for a product location record:

  1. Order Priority
  2. Required Date
  3. Order Date
  4. Order Class

In other words, among the linked orders for a particular item, an order with the smallest priority number first takes precedence. If multiple orders exist with the same smallest priority number, then among those orders, the order with the latest required date takes precedence. If multiple orders exist with the same latest required date, then the order with the latest order date takes precedence. Again, if multiple orders exist with the same latest order date, then the order that belongs to an order class with the smallest priority number takes precedence. In spite of these set precedence, if a unique order cannot be found, then the order with the smallest order number takes precedence.

Example The following example explains both the priorities in the same scenario - orders with same order priorities and same dates.

Backorder release priority

Order deallocation priority

Question: Does automatic deallocation include Transfer Orders and Work Orders?

Answer: Yes. Apprise uses the following fixed hierarchy to determine which order type must be deallocated first:

  1. Customer sales orders (non-fixed kit)
  2. Transfer orders
  3. Work orders

    NOTE Among the four factors listed in the previous question, work orders do not have Required Date, Order Date, or Order Class; so only Order Priority applies to work orders.
  1. Customer sales orders (fixed kit)

Question: Does automatic order deallocation include inventory reservations?

Answer: No, automatic order deallocation skips customer inventory reservations and orders using inventory reservations. Even if part of an order line uses reservation and the rest of it uses inventory from the inventory pool, that line is also skipped entirely.


Question: Does automatic deallocation include orders with fixed and configuration kits?

Answer: Automatic deallocations includes orders with fixed kit, but not with configuration kit.


Question:If an order line is already on backorder, can we still deallocate it?

Answer: Yes, you can deallocate it until it reaches 0 so that all quantities are on backorder.


Question: Can we change quantity allocation for an order line that has already been pre-billed?

Answer: No, changing quantity allocation for a pre-billed order line is not permitted.


Question: What happens after running automatic deallocation?

Answer: Some orders/order lines are updated automatically to have quantity allocate decreased. At the location level, quantity allocated is updated so quantity on hand is greater than or equal to the updated quantity allocated. Additionally, after running automatic deallocation, you can review the automatic order deallocation report to view how order lines are deallocated or why an order line cannot be deallocated.