Consolidate Invoices Options FAQ

Question: What choices are there with respect to consolidating pick demands for customer invoices?

Answer: The Invoice Consolidation field on the A/R tab in Customer Maintenance allows you to select the method of consolidating confirmed pick demands into a single invoice when created through Order Entry.

Note This consolidation grouping is done during pick demand creation.

Example You are consolidating by order and an order generates two pick demands in a close period of time, one in location SC and the other in location NJ. At the time they are created, they are linked together. So if you confirm and inventory adjust the SC pick demand, which means it's ready to be invoiced, but the NJ pick demand is not confirmed or is confirmed but not inventory adjusted, and you go to create invoices, an invoice for this order will not be created until all of the pick demands that are linked together are confirmed and inventory adjusted.

There are several options to choose from:



by BOL/Alt-PO/Bill

All confirmed pick demands from orders for a single billing customer with the same alternate purchase order number on a bill of lading are combined automatically to generate a single invoice. If this option is used and pick demands are not on a bill of lading, invoices are only consolidated for orders with the same ship-to address country, postal code, and state/province.

by BOL/BillCust

All confirmed pick demands for a single billing customer on a bill of lading are combined automatically to generate a single invoice. If this option is used and pick demands are not on a bill of lading, invoices are only consolidated for orders with the same ship-to address country, postal code, and state/province.

by BOL/Customer

All confirmed pick demands for a single customer on a bill of lading are combined automatically to generate a single invoice. If this option is used and pick demands are not on a bill of lading, invoices are only consolidated for orders with the same ship-to address country, postal code, and state/province.

by BOL/CustPO#

All confirmed pick demands from orders for a single customer with the same customer purchase order number on a bill of lading are combined automatically to generate a single invoice. If this option is used and pick demands are not on a bill of lading, invoices are only consolidated for orders with the same ship-to address country, postal code, and state/province.

by BOL/PO/BillCust

All confirmed pick demands from orders for a single billing customer with the same customer purchase order number on a bill of lading are combined automatically to generate a single invoice. If this option is used and pick demands are not on a bill of lading, invoices are only consolidated for orders with the same ship-to address country, postal code, and state/province.

by Customer

All confirmed pick demands from multiple orders for a single customer are combined automatically to generate a single invoice.

by Customer/Route

All confirmed pick demands from multiple orders with the same delivery route from a single customer are combined automatically to generate a single invoice.

by Order

All confirmed pick demands for a single order are combined automatically to generate a single invoice. This is the only option that generates a single invoice for direct-ship orders with multiple pick demands.

by Order/Location

All confirmed pick demands for a single order from a specific shipping location are combined automatically for a customer to generate a single invoice.

by Shipment

All confirmed pick demands are combined manually to generate a single invoice based on the shipment number. For more information, see Pick Demand Shipment Consolidation.


Each confirmed pick demand will generate its own separate invoice.

Note If multiple pick demands for the same order are created at the same time (e.g., two different zones), there is really no reason to create two separate invoices, so one shipment will be created and both pick demands must be inventory adjusted before an invoice is created.

For information on when shipment numbers are assigned for each invoice consolidation method, see Creating Invoices FAQ.

Note For orders and resulting pick demands to be consolidated into one invoice, the following must be the same:

  1. A/R account 

  2. Discount account 

  3. Currency

  4. Currency conversion rate

  5. Payment terms 

  6. Sales representative 1

  7. Sales representative 2

  8. EDI trading partner

  9. Billing customer

  10. Paying customer

  11. Bill-to and ship-to address (all fields for the addresses)

  12. Credit card approval code (only when finance-type payment terms are used) 

  13. Reference number (only if an invoice shipment number is assigned during pick demand creation) 

NOTE Invoice consolidation is not used for return orders.