Imports FAQ

Question: When importing from an Excel file, an error indicates the wrong number of fields are in the import file. What causes this?

Answer: If you import directly from a .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, or .xlsb file, you must have a value in the last field, even if it is not required.

Question: In import formats, what does the maximum length represent?

Answer: The maximum length is the maximum number of characters or numbers that each field can contain.

Question: I’ve run an import program and have received this message: Entry ’X’ is outside the range of list…..(560). What does it mean?

Answer: This message appears when running an import program if the program is expecting at least ’X’ items in a list of items (typically delimited by a ’^’) and it is getting less than what is expected. Verify your import file is using the correct import format.

Question: When running the Sales History Import program, no data was imported. Why would this occur?

Answer: Unlike many other import programs, the Sales History Import program will fail to import any data if the import file contains one or more incorrectly formatted lines. Verify the import file is correctly formatted, and then run the import program again. For information on the correct import format, see Sales History Import Format.

Question: When attempting to import data from a .csv file, no data is imported. Why is this occurring?

Answer: Verify that the data in the .csv file uses commas as a delimiter (between each field). If you use carets (^) or any other delimiter, the data will not import.

Question: Can I import from a .txt file written in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean?

Answer: Yes, you can if the file uses UTF-8 encoding.

Question: When importing from a text file, why is the last line not imported?

Answer: When importing from a text file, the last line must be blank to ensure all data is successfully imported.

Question: Can international date and number formats be used in import files?

Answer: No, Apprise imports only support US date (MM/DD/YYYY) and number (period as a decimal point, commas as thousand separators) formats.

Question: When importing from a large Excel or CSV file, an error message appears that indicates the file is too large. How can I import the file?

Answer: If a message appears that indicates the file is too large, split the file into multiple files or use a different file format, such as TXT.

To convert an Excel or CSV file to a TXT file:

  1. If you already have a CSV file, skip to step 4. Otherwise, replace all commas in the Excel file with %&%^&$. This temporarily prevents commas from being overwritten.

  2. Save the Excel file as a CSV file.

  3. Close Excel.

  4. Rename the CSV file with a .txt file extension.

  5. In a text editor, such as Notepad, replace all commas with caret (^) characters.

  6. Replace all instances of %&%^&$ with commas. This reverses the temporary change you performed in step 1 (if you did not have a CSV file).

  7. Save the TXT file.

Note If you are importing large files, it is best to use the 64-bit Apprise Client as it can access more memory. However, if you use the 32-bit version of Outlook to send email through Apprise, you cannot use the 64-bit Apprise Client, and instead must split large files or use a different file format, as described above.