Purchase Order Class Types FAQ

Question: What are the different types of purchase order classes that are available and how are they used?

Answer: The following purchase order class types are available:




This type is used to place orders before knowing all the shipping details. For more information, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

Drop Ship

This type is used to place purchase orders generated from customer orders that are shipped from the supplier to the customer. For more information, see Drop Ship Orders Process Flow.


This type is not used, and will be removed in a future release.


This type is used to place orders to replenish warehouse locations.


This type is used to store quotes from suppliers.


This type is not used, and will be removed in a future release.


This type is used to return products to suppliers. For more information, see Processing Returns to Suppliers FAQ.

Special Order

This type is used to place purchase orders generated from customer orders where the quantity being ordered is so large that you don’t want to allocate available warehouse inventory to fulfill the order. For more information, see Drop Ship and Special Orders Create. Purchase orders manually entered for this order class type do not show inventory as on order.


This type is used to transfer products from one warehouse location to another warehouse location. For more information, see Transfer Order Process Flow.