Incentive Detail

Menu Path: None

To use Incentive Detail, click the Incentive Detail button in the ribbon in Incentive Billback Processing.


View details for an incentive and enter incentive override amounts.


Use Incentive Detail to display detailed information for an incentive and to optionally enter an incentive or billback override amount (if incentive amounts were tracked outside of Apprise).

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Incentive Detail window, and save incentive override amounts.


Click this button to close the Incentive Detail window without saving changes.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Sales Representative Incentives

This grid displays incentive information for sales representatives. You can enter an override amount for the incentive in the Incentive Amount Override column if necessary.

Total Calculated Incentive Amount

This field displays the total calculated incentive amount.

Total Incentive Amount Override

This field displays the total incentive amount override entered in the Sales Representative Incentives grid.

Billback Amount

Enter the amount to bill the supplier for the incentive. This defaults to the amount calculated based on the billback percentage set up for the incentive.