Incoming Call Screen

Menu Path: None

To use Incoming Call Screen, receive an incoming call from a customer's phone number.

NOTE Incoming Call Screen is only available if you have a Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) license, and Blank is selected for the Default Screen to Open field on the TAPI tab in User Extended Options.


Select actions for incoming calls.


Use Incoming Call Screen to select whether to view customer information or enter an order when receiving an incoming call from a customer. Use the ribbon buttons to select the appropriate action.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Incoming Call Screen window.

Customer Maintenance

Click this button to display Customer Maintenance, which allows you to view and maintain customer information.

Order Entry

Click this button to display Order Entry, which allows you to enter an order for the customer.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Phone #

This field displays the phone number of the incoming call.

Customer Code

This field displays the customer code associated with the phone number of the incoming call.

Customer Name

This field displays the customer name associated with the phone number of the incoming call.

Contact Name

This field displays the contact name associated with the phone number of the incoming call.