Create BOL - Select the check box in this column for stops to include on a bill of lading if you are creating or editing a bill of lading. If you are editing a bill of lading, you can clear this check box for a stop only if pick demands do not exist for the stop.
Record Seq # - This column displays the original sequence of the stops when they were selected and displayed in the grid.
Delivery Sequence - Enter a delivery sequence for stops if you are creating or editing a bill of lading. If this is entered, pick demands can be printed in this sequence. If there are no gaps in the sequence (i.e., 1,2,3,4,5, etc.) and you move a stop up in the sequence, all higher numbers are increased by one.
Ship Complete - The check box in this column is selected for any ship complete orders for a bill of lading stop.
Amount Ordered - This column displays the original ordered for each stop.
Amount Allocated - This column displays the allocated amount on orders for each stop.
Amount Available - This column displays the amount available to be selected for each stop. This is equal to the amount allocated minus the amount that is on a pick demand, picked, and/or on other bills of lading.
Ship Complete Amount Available - This column displays the ship complete amount available to be selected for each stop.
Amount Selected - This column displays the selected amount that will be on the bill of lading for each stop. This cannot exceed the allocated amount.
Amount On Pick Demand - This column displays the amount that is already on a printed pick demand for each stop.
Amount Picked - This column displays the confirmed amount on a pick demand for each stop.
Amount On Backorder - This column displays the backordered amount for each stop.
Amount On Future - This column displays the amount that is a future quantity for each stop. This amount cannot be allocated to a bill of lading.
Amount On Other BOL - This column displays the amount that is already selected that is on a different bill of lading.
Weight Ordered - This column displays the original weight of ordered products for each stop.
Weight Allocated - This column displays the allocated weight on orders for each stop.
Weight Available - This column displays the weight available to be selected for each stop.
Ship Complete Weight Available - This column displays the ship complete weight available to be selected for each stop.
Weight Selected - This column displays the selected weight that will on the bill of lading for each stop.
Weight On Pick Demand - This column displays the weight of products already on a pick demand for each stop.
Weight Picked - This column displays the confirmed weight on a pick demand for each stop.
Weight On Backorder - This column displays the weight of backordered products for each stop.
Weight On Future - This column displays the weight of future quantities for each stop.
Cube Ordered - This column displays the original volume of ordered products for each stop.
Cube Allocated - This column displays the volume allocated on orders for each stop.
Cube Available - This column displays the volume available to be selected for each stop.
Ship Complete Cube Available - This column displays the ship complete volume available to be selected for each stop.
Cube Selected - This column displays the selected volume that will be on the bill of lading for each stop.
Cube On Pick Demand - This column displays the volume of products already on a pick demand for each stop.
Cube Picked - This column displays the confirmed volume on a pick demand for each stop.
Cube On Backorder - This column displays the volume of backordered products for each stop.
Cube On Future - This column displays the volume of future quantities for each stop.
Total Lines - This column displays the total number of order lines for each stop.
Total Lines Allocated - This column displays the total number of allocated order lines for each stop.
Freight Charges - This column displays the amount of freight charged for each stop. To override the freight charges, click the Freight Charges button in the ribbon.
Non-Freight Charges - This column displays the amount of non-freight additional charges for each stop.
Customer Code - This column displays the customer code for each stop.
Customer Name - This column displays the customer name for each stop.
Store ID - This column displays the store ID for each stop.
Department Number - This column displays the department number for each stop.
Ship to Name - This column displays the ship-to address name for each stop.
Ship Address 1 - This column displays the first line of the ship-to address for each stop.
Ship Address 2 - This column displays the second line of the ship-to address for each stop.
Ship Address 3 - This column displays the third line of the ship-to address for each stop.
City - This column displays the city for the ship-to address for each stop.
State - This column displays the state for the ship-to address for each stop.
Postal Code - This column displays the postal code for the ship-to address for each stop.
EDI Trade ID - This column displays the EDI trade ID for each stop.
EDI Distribution Center - This column displays the EDI distribution center for each stop.
Cancel After Date - This column displays the cancel-after date for each stop.
Earliest Ship Date - This column displays the earliest ship date for each stop.
Latest Ship Date - This column displays the latest ship date for each stop.
Child BOL # - This column displays the child bill of lading number for each stop. This number is only assigned after a master bill of lading is created.
Created Date - This column displays the date the child bill of lading was created for each stop.
Routing Request Number - This column displays the routing request number for each stop.
Qty Ordered - This column displays the quantity ordered for each stop.
% Qty Allocated - This column displays the percentage of the quantity allocated for each stop.
% Amt Allocated - This column displays the percentage of the amount allocated for each stop.
% Qty Backordered - This column displays the percentage of the quantity backordered for each stop.
% Amt Backordered - This column displays the percentage of the amount backordered for each stop.
Qty Allocated - This column displays the quantity allocated for each stop.
Qty Picked - This column displays the quantity picked for each stop.
BOL Qty On Pick Demand - This column displays the bill of lading quantity on a pick demand for each stop.
Qty On Pick Demand - This column displays the quantity on pick demands for each stop.
Qty on BO - This column displays the quantity on backorder for each stop.
Qty on Future - This column displays the future order quantity for each stop.
Weight On 753 - This column displays the weight on the EDI form 753 for each stop.
Cube On 753 - This column displays the volume on the EDI form 753 for each stop.
Packages On 753 - This column displays the packages on the EDI form 753 for each stop.
Hazardous Materials - The check box is selected in this column if hazardous materials are being delivered for a stop.
Fully Shippable - The check box is selected in this column if all products for the stop can be shipped.
Partially Shippable - The check box is selected in this column if some products for the stop can be shipped.
Open Return Qty - This column displays the open return quantity for all order line items for each stop.
Open Return Cube - This column displays the open return cube for all order line items for each stop.