Keyboard Shortcut Editor

Menu Path: None

To use Keyboard Shortcut Editor, click the File menu, and select Customize Images\bluerarw.gif My Keyboard Shortcuts Images\bluerarw.gif Open Keyboard Shortcut Editor.


Set up keyboard shortcuts for buttons in a window.


Use Keyboard Shortcut Editor to customize the keyboard shortcuts in a specific window. You can set up keyboard shortcuts as a combination of a key on the keyboard and the Alt and/or Ctrl keys. For example, you can assign Alt + L to a Lookup button you frequently use to make it easier to access. For information on default keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts.

Note If you customize keyboard shortcuts, you must close and reopen the window before the keyboard shortcuts are enabled.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Keyboard Shortcut Editor window and save changes to keyboard shortcuts.


Click this button to close the Keyboard Shortcut Editor window without saving changes to keyboard shortcuts.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Keyboard Shortcuts

This grid displays all the buttons for the window for which you are editing keyboard shortcuts. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Name - This column displays the name for each button in the window for which you can set up a keyboard shortcut.

  • Label - This column displays the label that appears near or on each button in the window.

  • Parent Name - This column displays the window or tab name on which each button is located.

  • Parent Label - This column displays the label of the tab on which the button is located for windows for which each tab is independent.

  • Object Type - This column displays the type for each button. This column displays BUTTON for a button, LINK for a ribbon button, or COMBO-BOX for a Lookup button.

  • Keyboard Shortcut - Enter the key that you want to use as part of a custom keyboard shortcut for each button.

  • Alt Key - Select the check box in this column for each button for which you want to press the Alt key as part of the button's keyboard shortcut.

  • Control Key - Select the check box in this column for each button for which you want to press the Ctrl key as part of the button's keyboard shortcut.

  • Keyboard Shortcut Source - This column displays the source of the keyboard shortcut. By default, Inherited is displayed in this column. If you create a custom keyboard shortcut, this column displays User Defined.