Line Item Pack List Information

Menu Path: None

To use Line Item Pack List Information, click the Pack List Information button in the ribbon when the Items tab is displayed in Order Entry, Order Edit, or Order Inquiry.


View and enter line item information stored for trading partner pack lists.


Use Line Item Pack List Information to enter detailed line item information required for customized trading partner pack lists.

NOTE Data stored in this window is informational only, and not used for processing orders.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Line Item Pack List Information window.


Click this button to update pack list information. This button is only available if you are editing or creating an order.


Click this button to close the Line Item Pack List Information window and save the pack list information. This button is only available if you are entering or editing pack list information.


Click this button to close the Line Item Pack List Information window without saving pack list information. This button is only available if you are entering or editing pack list information.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

Enter the product code for the line item.

Product Description

Enter the product description for the line item.


Enter the UPC for the line item.

Style Code

Enter the style code for the line item.

Color Code

Enter the color code for the line item.

Size Code

Enter the size code for the line item.

Size and Color

Enter the size and color for the line item.

Vendor SKU

Enter the vendor SKU for the line item.

Merchant SKU

Enter the merchant SKU for the line item.

Shopping Cart SKU

Enter the shopping cart SKU for the line item.

Manufacturer SKU

Enter the manufacturer SKU for the line item.

Return Method

Enter the return method for the line item.

Return Permit

Enter the return permit for the line item.

Return Service Postal Code

Enter the return service postal code for the line item.

Return To Partner Sort Code

Enter the return-to partner sort code for the line item.

USPS Delivery Confirmation Number

Enter the USPS delivery confirmation number for the line item.

Label Tracking Number

Enter the label tracking number for the line item.

Tax Type

Enter the tax type for the line item.

Gift Wrap

Enter the gift wrap for the line item.

Gift Registry Number

Enter the gift registry number for the line item.

Personalization Data

Enter personalization data for the line item.

Item Amounts Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Unit Price

Enter the unit price for the line item.

Extended Price

Enter the extended price for the line item.

Shipping and Handling

Enter the shipping and handling amount for the line item.

Handling Fee

Enter the handling fee for the line item..

Shipping Fee

Enter the shipping fee for the line item.

Label Shipping Fee

Enter the label shipping fee for the line item.

Tax Amount

Enter the tax amount for the line amount.

Credit Amount

Enter the credit amount for the line item.

Item Messages Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Pack List Message

Enter a message to display on the pack list for the line item.

Gift Message

Enter a gift message to display on the pack list for the line item.