Manual Acknowledgment Reason Entry

Menu Path: None

To use Manual Acknowledgment Reason Entry, click the Acknowledge Selected button in the ribbon in EDI Task Management.


Mark sent transactions as acknowledged by the trading partner, and enter a reason the transactions are being manually acknowledged.


Use Manual Acknowledgment Reason Entry if a trading partner has acknowledged receipt of EDI transactions your company has sent, and you want to manually mark the transactions as acknowledged. To manually mark transactions as acknowledged, enter the reason electronic acknowledgments were not sent (for example, transactions were acknowledged verbally, via email, etc.).

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Manual Acknowledgment Reason Entry window, manually mark transactions as acknowledged, and save the acknowledgment reason. After you click this button, the transaction status changes from Wait to Accept.


Click this button to close the Manual Acknowledgment Reason Entry window without manually marking transactions as acknowledged.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter the reason the transactions are being manually acknowledged.

Acknowledged By

This field displays the user ID of the user that is manually marking transactions as acknowledged, which is your user ID.