Menards Status Codes

Trading Partner Menards requires the companies or vendors using Apprise to provide the following:

The following table lists and describes the applicable status codes for Menards when sending EDI order status reports.

 Status Code


Required or Conditional

IN - In Process

Sent when expected ship date (ED) is not known within 1 business day of Menards transmitting the Order, but ED must be sent soon after. However, this status code may not be used as required date is a mandatory field on Apprise Sales Order.


ED - Expected Ship Date

Sent when an expected ship date is known or previously provided expected ship date has changed for the order, but ED must be sent within 1 business day of transmitting the order.


PR - Partial Shipment

Sent when part of the order is shipped and the remainder will be shipped on a future shipment.

  • If an order or items are being short shipped and there will be no future shipments, the corresponding CC or DD status must be provided on the order or item.

  • PR status must only be sent if future shipment will be made against order or items.


CC - Shipped in full to Menard

Sent when the order is shipped completely or the remainder of a partially shipped order is shipped completely to a Menards location.


DD - Shipped in full to Guest

Sent when the order is shipped completely or the remainder of a partially shipped order is shipped completely to our guest or their jobsite location.


DE - Deleted or Canceled Order

Sent as a confirmation that the order has been canceled in your system. This must be sent after communicating your intentions with the ordering location.
