Multiple G/L Accounts Selection

Menu Path: None

To use Multiple G/L Accounts Selection, click the Add Multiple Accounts button in the ribbon in Fixed Allocation Account Maintenance.


Select multiple accounts for a fixed allocation account.


Use Multiple G/L Accounts Selection to select multiple accounts for a fixed allocation account by setting up selection criteria for the accounts.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Multiple G/L Accounts Selection window.


Click this button to accept the selected accounts and close the Multiple G/L Accounts Selection window.

Show Accounts

Click this button to display accounts in the Selected Accounts grid that match the selection criteria in the Selection Criteria grid.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Fixed Allocation Account

These fields display the account number and name for the fixed allocation account for which you are selecting accounts.

Include Accounts Where

Select a filtering method, and then click the Lookup buttons to select selection criteria for accounts for the fixed allocation account. The first and last Lookup button allow you to enter parenthesis around the criteria. This is useful if you are creating a complex set of conditions. The three other Lookup buttons allow you to select the following:

  • Category - Select a category for the criteria, such as a specific company or cost center.

  • Operator - Select one of the following: equal to (EQ), not equal to (NE), greater than (GT), less than (LT), greater or equal to (GE), or less than or equal to (LE).

  • Value - Select a specific value for the category.

Example If you want to only select accounts for cost center ID 10, you could select Cost Center EQ 10 using the middle three Lookup buttons.


Select AND if you are selecting multiple criteria that must all be met. Select OR if you are creating two (or more) criteria and either must be met. Leave Blank selected if you are only entering a single criterion.


Click this button to enter the selected criteria in the Selection Criteria grid.


Click this button to clear the Include Accounts Where fields.

Selection Criteria

This grid displays selected filter criteria for the financial report line.


Click this button to update a selected selection criterion in the Selection Criteria field.


Click this button to delete the selected selection criterion in the Selection Criteria field.

Selected Accounts

This grid displays accounts that match filter criteria in the Selection Criteria grid after you click Show Accounts.